Call me Grasshopper by JY on March 5, 2019 at 11:19 am Posted In: Blogginz Thank you for the pebble, Master.  └ Tags: animation, Comics, Dilbert, Jason Yungbluth, kung-fu, MAGA, npc_dale, red pill, Scott Adams, Trump, Weapon Brown Comment
Fake Hoax by JY on March 1, 2019 at 1:11 pm Posted In: Blogginz When one’s senpai is professional “smartest man in the room” Scott Adams, you know that getting him to notice you will be a tall order. Thank you senpai! And to what was he responding? This. └ Tags: alex fields, alt-right, car attack, Charlottesville, Dilbert, heather heyer, jason kessler, Jason Yungbluth, npc_dale, Richard Spencer, Scott Adams, scott atoms, Trump