Posts Tagged cartoon
Gambit is finally having his moment thanks to Deadpool (spoilers!), but he could have been MORE fabulous! (Own the original!)
We are nearing the end, folks! “Jazz Hands” will wrap at the end of August, and then there will be a hiatus before I launch the final chapter of The Hero’s Journey. Oh boy, will it be a doozy![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Behold my portrayal of the X-Men’s Colossus in the style of a stand from JojJo’s Bizarre Adventure. (Kind of reminds me of Zoolander!) (Own the original!)
It could happen!
Someday, ALL museums will be renamed for me. Until then, you will have to visit Buffalo, NY and journey to the home of OG fan Douglas Arthur to see these wonderful pieces.
(Shouldn’t I be drawing new Clarissa?)
Did the latest installment of South Park actually suck more than Unfrosted? One asshole dares to say “yes”!
D’oh! I was supposed to have a new Deep Fried for you this week! Well, I’ll spare you the excuses and just say: Next week! I promise! (We all know my promises are lies… you still love me!) Meanwhile, here[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…

My little bitty cartoon continues to rock the world! Clarissa, Weapon Brown, and now this! Why can’t Deep Fried shock it’s way into the news? Who does Beepo have to ball for me to get The Mary Sue to notice[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Folks, I may not be long for this world. Any moment now, the IDF may launch a Hellfire missile through my studio window… that is, if I don’t “accidentally” jump off a roof while a man who looks suspiciously like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…