Those of you who thought that Deep Fried #4 would never arrive, you nattering nabobs of negativism (note to self: beam that one back in time for Spiro Agnew to use) were wrong as usual! Behold my freshly birthed comic, still slick with its mother’s juices, tearing at my roomate’s throat!

Deep Fried is not some weakling bunny rabbit of a comic! Deep Fried is born ready to kill! Remember that when you start receiving them in the mail next week!

I’m SO glad that the Gulf oil spill has disappeared from our minds and that the devastation wrecked upon virtually half the continent for a full quarter year has melted away like last Wednesday’s ice cream cone. Now we can concentrate on more important questions, such as if the Tea Party is tinged with racism.

You may have thought this was a settled matter, that the placards of Obama with a bone through his nose, the Manchurian Candidate level of paranoia about Obama’s birth certificate, the ACORN/Pimp hoax and a dozen other self-inflicted paper cuts by this torpid “movement” would have painted a pretty clear picture of a revanchist white electorate on a witch hunt. 


Andrew Breitbart
Once shot a puppy just for snoring



But instead we have the Shirley Sherrod matter to befuddle us. You know, it is great being white these days. I love having the spokesmen for my skin color, be they anal warts like Andrew Breitbart or “satirists” such as Mark Williams, trying to wind me up and suggest that the election of Barack Obama means that finally the shoe is on the other foot, and that whites are at last the underclass in this country,  the subject of campaigns of bigotry hatched at the Department of Agriculture since at least the early 80’s.

There is a divide in this country, and it is akin to the one that Shirley Sherrod addressed directly in her speech to the NAACP. It is not the divide between white and black, however.  it is between haves and have nots, and here I’m referring to education.

Those that have even a working man’s education should be able to take something like the Shirley Sherrod video (hacked up or not) and immediately place her sentiments,– as well as the nature of the people she is delivering them to and the organization at whose conference she is appearing–  into their historical context, then contrast it with the motivations of a political hitman like Breitbart, and detect the manufactured controversy. People like that are not vulnerable to such naked race-baiting.

Then there is Breitbart’s intended audience (or Beck’s, or Limbaugh’s), people who can be easily  smothered by incoherent rhetoric until they come away with a head full of intellectual waste, asking only the question he wants them to ask : “How come they can call themselves niggers but I can’t?”

It is a mind fuck worthy of Inception, and I am tired of people pretending that it is not calculated, that it is not a deliberate effort by the right wing to try and spin racism into November gold. Whether or not it works, it is further evidence that conservatism is (to quote Steely Dan) skating backwards at the speed of light. Republicans are half the political class in this country. Whether or not this strategy works for them, eventually it hurts us all.

I guess what I’m saying is, does anyone have a bus they could drive over Andrew Breitbart’s crotch a few times while the Harlem Globetrotters jizz on his wife’s screaming face? Because that’s a video I would like to debut on my site.