The world’s most red-hot political controversy continues! But not here. Here we are talking about fukkin’ T-shirts. So, if you remember from an earlier post, last week I took umbrage with the coverage that an online T-shirt retailer, Liberty Maniacs, was receiving[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged t-shirt
Yesterday I came across this article from the Daily Beast written  by Tim Mak, a “senior correspondent”  for that organization (I believe this only means that he combs news sites and writes about what other reporters have dug up, like a common blogger). The nub[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My glory keeps being reflected back upon me wherever I turn! First this selfie by a satisfied T-shirt purchaser… …And then this piece of fan art by a former pupil of mine, who has since turned to the dark side ,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My buddy Alex Stern (who will soon rock the world of voice acting with his star turn in my Weapon Brown Kickstarter ad) has made a video starring my T-shirt! And also himself. [youtube][/youtube]
It arrived! The Epson GT-20000 wide format scanner that you made possible! Behold! Ain’t she something? I finally feel like a man! And the instructions assure me she can raster 1200 x 3600 pixeldots per scuzicycle! Whatever the fuck[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here is the art for the cover to Blockhead’s War #6. What do you think foks: new T-shirt?