Now I’ve written an open letter to Chuck Dixon, creator of Bane and soon the creator of a shitty alt-right comic book! Somebody stop me!! Update: (Ooo, looky! I spawned an epic thread on 4Chan! I’m so proud of me!)
Posts Tagged right wing
Having once decided to sign up for comment-posting on the National Review’s website,I am periodically subject to its contributors’ diatribes turning up in my inbox. Yet I am afraid to delete them, lest they exchange genes with my Viagra spam[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A terrorist took the life of a radical French right winger yesterday. That the terrorist and the victim were one and the same does not mitigate the tragedy. Dominique Venner was a 78 year-old historian and former member of a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, do you think that temple in Wisconsin was screening The Dark Knight Rises? Hey-Ohhh! What, too soon? Sorry for the gallows humor, but with these slaughters happening more frequently in our Exceptional Homeland than in the suburbs of Damascus, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…