This line is going to be a running gag in the animated movie – being voiced by the voice actor voicing Beepo while drunk (it’s in the contract).
Perhaps Kevin Spacey will be available for the role? He would also make a great Roadkill.
JY: And I bet I could get him cheap! But I am personally disgusted by Kevin Spacey and would never hire him. Not after Nine Lives.
Well duh, any voice actor is drunk for their read ! Ya know that, Beepo.
This line is going to be a running gag in the animated movie – being voiced by the voice actor voicing Beepo while drunk (it’s in the contract).
Perhaps Kevin Spacey will be available for the role? He would also make a great Roadkill.
JY: And I bet I could get him cheap! But I am personally disgusted by Kevin Spacey and would never hire him. Not after Nine Lives.