On Saturday the Rochester Indie Comics Expo (or “SORGUM”) was held in bee-yootiful downtown Rochester, NY. Your favorite cartoonist was there and I had a great time! Weapon Brown sold like hotcakes, my Garf merch couldn’t have been more popular, numerous new fans of Kobayashi Maru were made and at least one man in a raincoat walked off with a copy of Getting Away with Murder while snickering under his breath (thanks for coming out, Dad!)

That’s me! And I don’t mind saying that this is one of my favorite table configurations yet! COVID has really taught me how to prioritize. Life… she’s too short for me to worry about collapsible tabletop displays, man.
Lookit this hall! Lookit those mask-conscious vendors! Look away while I steal the cash you left unattended on your table!
I never got this guy’s name, but I hope I didn’t miss my chance to make inroads with a big wheel in the biz!
Here is Eisner-nominated hotshot Dave Chisholm stealing my trademark “thumbs up” gesture.
I hope to trade pin-up gigs with studly Rochester legend Nigel Carrington in the not-to-distant future. I already have a pin-up of him hanging in my gym locker. Rowr!