Sheesh! This “wrapping up Weapon Brown” thing is more agonizing than I thought! Still, I will keep to my damn schedule, even if I bend my rules a bit. Even if I have to make rule origami out of them.
With few pages left to go, the very last installment may come with a week’s delay, as I will probably make it a multi-page spectacular, so prepare for that and save your snark for the newspapers which, by my reckoning, haven’t run a new Charlie Brown strip in years. Hey Schulz! Your vacation’s over! Get back to work!!
Now, can we PLEASE stop talking about the thing that brings you to my website and talk politics for a change? You probably all noticed that a certain someone-someone was elected president again, after the longest and most bruising campaign in our nation’s history.
Let’s reflect on that for a moment.
Without falling for the “there’s no dif’rinse ‘tween ’em!” cynicism of the dejected independent, I proudly cast my vote for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. Were I a resident of the Swing States of America, I may have voted differently, but I am not. I am a citizen of Blutopia, the land that the candidates forgot. And though the admonition not to “throw my vote away” rang in my ears, I understood that to vote for the candidate who already had my state in the bag would be the true waste of my vote.
I’ll be honest and admit that I did not even take the time to research Stein’s positions, so perhaps my vote was tinged with cynicism after all. One should vote for the candidate one would like to see in the Oval Office. Obama, be-warted liberal that he is, did fulfill the only pledge I would raise a pitchfork over, that being healthcare reform. Tepid, unambitious healthcare reform that, despite it’s overall modest character, Obama endured dragonfire to achieve. Had I been asked to vote against Romney to cinch that accomplishment, I probably would have. But in New York State, my approval was simply assumed.
Yes, this is what I wore to vote. |
However, this was the first election where I divorced myself from the horse race in one significant way: I refused to watch the debates.
I had always given those glorified press conferences the benefit of the doubt as significant battles in the war of ideas. Not so this year. This year I finally cut the cord and stopped pretending that the debates aren’t staged spectacles, founded on plain collusion between the Democrats and Republicans to lock out all third party candidates, and the selection of safe, predictable moderators bound by blood oaths to lob softballs at the candidates. This year I chose to let the scales fall from my eyes, and sure enough, the conversation in the press that followed each debate betrayed a cynical consensus that elections are simply quadrennial Super Bowls, jazzed-up campaigns to sell Dorritos.
Ads! Another thing I was mostly exempted from, owing to my lack of cable and my citizenship in Blutopia (unlike Swing Staters who were, by all account, subjected to a level of  brainwashing akin to what Alex endured in A Clockwork Orange). Nevertheless, with the 1% sensing a tax hike on the horizon (despite the heroic efforts of lobbyist cockroaches like Grover Norquist) America’s “makers”, “job creators” and other pious Scrooge McDuck’s poured out so much uninvested, non job-creating cash into the campaign that by the end they were turning themselves into YouTube celebrities (as my Thomas Peterffy cartoon illustrated).
Substantively, one thing was crystal clear: the campaign, though it focused on the economy, was all about austerity, the “Fiscal Cliff”. Having been put on the ropes by the conservatives in 2010, Sugar Ray Obama’s gambit was to push off the coming holocaust over debt and taxes until the start of the next term, and to let the people decide which party should set America’s pain threshold as the depression slogs on.
To protect their assets, America’s pharaohs absorbed and branded a grass roots movement, then ran a candidate who was the exact opposite of  what their grouchy vassals were screaming for: Mitt Romney. Never has a near-unanimous second choice advanced so far in American politics. And in the end, we will always have Karl Rove’s election night exasperation to make us feel good about the good guys winning. But it will quickly fade as our satisfaction over Obama’s re-election settles back into the anxiety that has been the national mood since his first win.
Never, too, will we again see so clearly the way populism can be pumped up and shrugged off by the Two Party State. The Tea Party and Occupy, the twin insurgencies that raised the flag of Revolution as they came to recognize the scope of the choices facing the country, were broomed off the stage to make way for a resplendent campaign by the Powers-That-Be. The Tea Party, which in 2010 made the first true dent against politics-as-usual in a generation, could not have been further from the core of Mitt Romney, the great white hope of the resurgent establishment whose agenda (gutting the New Deal, keeping the wealthy dressed in fine silks and only sorta worrying about the Debt) was a light year away from the actual gripes of the elderly who are the true believers of that movement.
Meanwhile, Occupy, a dream that lives in the hearts and minds of newspaper columnists more than the masses, found no favor whatsoever amongst the Democrats who, after all, are its legitimate targets. That Elizabeth Warren eked out a win against former Tea Party star Scott Brown in Massachusetts to become that state’s newest senator may be considered a win for the “99%”, but her victory owes more to the stirrings of liberals than to the deeds of those more radical rascals of the Left.
So what is  my takeaway? First, the Republicans, and conservatism, are at long last in marked decline. The Bush years have been rebuffed twice, and the party’s message is now so scrambled with propagandistic noise that it is impossible to separate the intelligentsia from the fucktards. In trying to defeat Obama the GOP had to scrap half of their normal program, that being championing our wars abroad, and focus exclusively on the hardest subject for anyone to pretend they understand: macroeconomics. Unable to describe at all how they would grow jobs, the Republicans reduced their argument to one (ironically) bite-sized issue: the national debt. Unable to explain how to tackle that without serious bloodletting (except for putting Big Bird on a rotisserie), they placed all their chips on a racist smoke-and-mirrors campaign that would have made Goebbels clutch his heart. The people, however, voted their interests, and proved that the Third Rail of American politics still has electricity crackling through it.
The Democrats were the tortoises in this race, and my hot-blooded sympathy for radicalism aside, Aesop was proven right again. The country is not, after all, peopled by fools, and this election turned on the public realizing, however subliminally, that the 99% question was more than just a meme. Occupy can take some satisfaction for having stirred those coals.
However, those who are waiting for Obama to transform from Mace Windu into Shaft in his second term will be sadly disappointed. Had the Republicans recognized Obama as the pragmatist he is they would have had a lot better shot of beating him with one of their own. Now it is time for the Democratic voters to swallow their medicine as the man who coddled Wall Street takes on the Fiscal Cliff, agrees to postpone the day of reckoning for six months or so, and ultimately delivers what he is best at: a less than stellar bargain for the working classes.
All I will say is that I know you folks out there who voted for Obama did so because you felt it was right. And no matter how fucktarded I think it was (and believe me I think it was), you voted your conscience and I can’t fault you for that. I just hope you all remember that when the economy collapses from his “executive orders” and his commie buddies start making you wait in line for refrigerators (actually happened in Russia during the communist years), you voted him in. As for me, I am going to stock up food and ammo and wait for his goose steppers to come to my home. I’ll probably lose, but I’ll go down swingin.
JY: How many years do we have to wait for those FEMA concentration camps before you finally have to admit that you’re, you know… batshit crazy?
Venom, you’re a fucking retard. You’re the kind of fucking retard who’s killing USA with his immaturity. America needs solidarity, people who’ll stand up for what’s right, not little cowards who’ll hide in their closet with a gun as soon as things are turning to shit.
And Yungbluth? You aren’t radical. Making war and killing millions to fleece money out of the state is radical and extremist. You’re just a sensible man in an insane, psychotic and pathetic little turd of an empire of mediocrity, collusion and violence. You’re one of the best comic artists I ever had the pleasure of reading and coming from a coinesseur like me who read practically every type of comics in existence, it means something. You’re among the great like Moore and Andreas, I know you already know this, but never give up: you are entirely worthy.
JY: No name-calling! My website is the gold standard for civility, and you motherfuckers are not going to ruin my reputation!!
PS- “Batshit crazy” doesn’t count.
Wow Theo. You must have read Cyrano who said “When losing a debate, insult your opponent.”
JaSon, glad you found those Brownies those fans from Colorado sent you and since have taken up necromancy(by the way, love the hat.) theo, JaSon is a generous soul who shares Ven, relax and just like any Zombee crisis, sit back and wait for the celebration of the copraphages to wind down and find that filet mingnon is tripe from the lower intestional tract, while those who lied to them blame them for being meateaters and thus brought it onto themselves. theo the NHL will eventually make a deal, until then, go Moose!!
Wow Mal, that was random. Poignant but random.
“The country is not, after all, peopled by fools” – JY
Dude, it totally is based on the fact that we elected one of the two shit sandwiches on offer for President instead of threatening to tear the entire motherfucker down until we got someone actually qualified for the job.
Just my 2 cents.
Let’s stop pretending the jackbooted thugs are on their way, shall we?
Also, nobody ever changed the world by waiting for someone else to get it right. Just sayin’.
you know, I was doing my usual schtick of worrying about my daughter’s future: global climate change, energy crises, terrorism, autotuned pop music, plutocracyu. And now it all pales in insignificance next to what I have now learned is the real threat we all face in the dystopisn future: having to wait in line to buy a new rrefrigerator!
The fuckin horror!!!
“Wow Theo. You must have read Cyrano who said “When losing a debate, insult your opponent.—
A) Pretty rich coming from someone that called every vote for Obama ‘fucktarded’.
B) You have to be utterly diconnected from reality if you believe Obama is going to bring in socialism.
C) I don’t know what is wrong with you, but you could probably get some meds for it.
Anyway, I have a question for the rational readers here (sorry Malachi, that excludes you too): What is it about a ‘blue state’ that prompts JY to say “…the candidate who already had my state in the bag…” and “But in New York State, my approval was simply assumed.”? They still bother to, you know, count votes over there right?
Holms, being a fellow NY state resident to JY, I assume he refers to the fact that NY State has rarely voted anything but Democrat/Blue, so the assumption is that even if you did vote for Romney here, there was no chance that it meant anything in the larger picture….you could have asked A YEAR AGO if Obama was going to carry New York State and got the same answer you got on Election Night 😉
Oh, and to dogpile on your response to Venomsamurai, point B: Stock markets dwindle and die under socialist regimes, making Obama the worst Socialist leader in history LOL
“Republicans have been fleeced and exploited and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex” – David Frum.
Anyone that’s been paying attention for the past decade knew this. It’s just that with this election cycle, reality finally kicked the door in on them.
Of course, True Believers like Venom and Mal are never going to get it, because it requires more introspection and personal accountability than either are willing to muster. Better to scream that this is Teh End Times and everyone else’s fault and boy won’t you all be sorry than to consider hey, maybe 47% of the nation aren’t lazy, worthless jackoffs. 🙂
Jody your a true stereotype; portray somone’s ideas as wrong or facile. My political orientation makes me laugh at you and your wanna be buddy Holm’s short sighted goals are not thought out, kinda reminds me of a jealous little girl who begins a rumor
i need this shit here…..? i voted, he won, im content.
“Jody your a true stereotype; portray somone’s ideas as wrong or facile.”
Purhase a mirror. Look into it. Learn something.
You know something JY, Holms, Jody and pretty much everyone else on here who thinks I’m bat shit insane, I hope you’re right. I hope that my apocalyptic view of the future is wrong. But as the old saying goes it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have. Think on this for a second, Obama now has carte blanche. He doesn’t need to worry about pesky things like elections or congress or the justice department. Congress is so full of cowards that won’t stand up to him that it’s almost laughable and he has the justice department in the palm of his hand so no one would prosecute him if he was found out. And yes Holms, I do think that voting for Obama was a stupid decision but again, that’s my opinion. When are you guys actually going stop trolling and actually debate the entirety of what I wrote instead of picking one line to harp on. It makes Fox News, CNN, and C-SPAN look non-partisan by comparison.
Venom, don’t worry. You are. You’re batshit crazy. Truth be told, anyone that sits around feverishly hoping for the collapse of society just so they can say “I told you so” is contemptuously, nastily deluded. Anyone that full of fear is just packed to the gills with social maladjustment. So seriously, work yourself into a frenzy. Maybe you’ll go hide up in the mountains for thirty years and spare the rest of us the agony of your presence. Just don’t go all Unabomber on us when things don’t fall apart, mmkay?
Mal, I am only portraying your ideas as wrong and facile because they were wrong and facile. As soon as you join reality with the rest of us, rest assured I will cease. Your continued insistence that the bullshit in your trough is actually delicious Crème Brûlée doesn’t fill me with hope, however.
And here’s the sick irony. “Joining us in reality” does not mean I have to agree with you. Sane people disagree all the time. Hell, I don’t agree with some of what Mr. Yungbluth posted about up top. But you guys are just gonna keep swilling those crazy pills. Better to insist that most of the country are a bunch of lazy fucknuts who are gon’ git theirs than to admit that people recoiled at the sight of all the GOP rape apologists and bigots, apparently.
Venom, the comfort of being batshit crazy is not yours, it is the domain of others who attack you.
Jody, your reality and my reality are both subjective so me joining your reality isn’t going to happen and you joining my reality isn’t happening either. This is simply a case of people not wanting to see the forest for the trees in both our eyes. Every time I ever say anything on JY’s blogs, it’s like jumping into a pool with a shark in it. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I will despite my better judgement. I know you and your liberal buddies frequent these blogs, and you’re probably going to try and rip me a new one every chance you get. Right now, twenty states have filed to secede from the united states. That tells me that something is wrong. Not only that but Obama’a admin says that anyone who signs the petition will be considered persona non grata, in other words, will have their citizenship taken away. You’ll probably say, ” Good. They deserve it.” Last I checked, the right to petition was granted by the constitution and the government wasn’t supposed to impose any law restricting that. So Jody, you go ahead and leave on your rose-tinted glasses and live in your reality, my reality says that shit is going to hit the fan soon and I’d rather be prepared. Watch a few episodes of Doomsday Preppers and listen. True most of the preps these folks are making are insane but their reasons for doing so are well thought out.
JY: Here is where subjectivity crashes into objectivity. So you say 20 states are planning to secede? Really? Name only the one with the most prominent secessionist “movement”, offer some genuine evidence that such sentiments are held strongly by business leaders, large segments of the population, credible politicians, etc. Show that that the “movement” is being covered by newspapers and talk radio, that Obama has been handed memos saying that the matter is something Homeland Security should keep an eye on, and only then you will be saying something that deserves to be treated seriously.
If you can’t provide even that much credible evidence, then I have to ask you: just what is your criteria for a crackpot?
From Holms:
What I meant was that the election was bound to go for Obama regardless. There is simply no real competition, anymore than there is in Texas.
Now Captcha the Magnificant will make Blockly Appear before your eyes!
I’m with JaSon on this one: also being a resident of NY, I voted Libertartian. Anything to promote a broader palette of candidates in the future, I say. This two party system is simply broken. Captcha agrees, saying it’s all edryfu Politicks.
Words of wisdom JaSon, the powers to be had lord Obama the winner, if you doubted that outcome, your probally surprized that drunk guy in the cheap seats can predict each WWE match. Or as a wiseass at a concert said to me, “stop your bitchin and start a revolution”(it must be true, he had it on a bumper sticker).
Venom, I too would like a citation for the bit where Obama’s administration actually mentioned this supposedly strong secession movement, let alone declaring swathes of Americans non-citizens.
And Malachi, nothing you say ever makes sense. We’re not the ones bitching about the election outcome for starters.
Dammit Jason, here I was all set to go off on Venom’s secession lunacy, and you cockblock me. And more eloquently than I coulda done, to boot. You’re a harsh master, Yungnbluth.
And Malachi: go ahead and think whatever you want. If you’d rather believe that you lost because of a secret cabal pulling the levers behind the scenes, than the fact that you ran a miserable candidate with a clown car full of Christopaths and regressives, you be my guest. 🙂
As for those of you advocating for third parties, here’s my suggestion. Get involved at a local level. Voting for third party presidential candidates might feel good, but it’s pointless on so many levels. The only message it sends to the big ticket candidates is that you are willing to throw away your vote, and therefore you aren’t worth pursuing.
Srsly. That is what they think of you.
Further, a president NEEDS a hefty political machine underneath him to enact his agenda. Otherwise he has to pick which of the two big parties he lines up with more, work with them, and you’re right back to square one. Angus King, in Maine, is caucusing with the Dems for that reason. And ask Governor Jesse Ventura how much he got done when he had both sides of the aisle telling him to fuck off.
So you want to reduce the grip the big two have on our political scene? Get someone elected dog catcher. Then local councilman. Then mayor. Keep at it, because politics is a long game. And hope like hell your guys don’t fall into the traps that have corrupted our political discourse. Because yes, they’re human too.
Jody, Jesus Loves You! and you would be cute for how naive you are, but your not young anymore.
You guys want citation? Fine. Go to wethepeople.org, the petition site that Obama’s own administration set up and read through the petitions. Oh and by the way, there are now twenty-three states filing a petition for sucession. The reason you probably haven’t heard about it is because most news outlets choose to sideline it in favor of the celebrity flavor of the week.
I didn’t ask for citation. I’m pointing out that the secessionists are deluded.
And really, all this talk is ridiculous and unnecessary. If people are that determined to not be US citizens, all they have to do is renounce their citizenship. After all, no state is actually going to secede, so why not just put your money where your mouth is?
I mean, unless y’all are just being crybabies. Or naive. 😉
I did… and I note the domain ‘wethepeople.org’ is for sale. Heh.
Anyway even setting that aside, there is a large difference between 23 [i]states[/i] pushing for secession and some people [i]from[/i] a 23 states doing the same. A huge difference.
Essentially the difference means you’re full of it.
Capcha says you two come up with the rrakest sayings.
Italics fail! HTML it is then.
Holms your dyslexia is showing, please attribute what one is saying and attack. Not to note somthing and attack the person for somthing another wrote. Or just do what Jody does and assume wrong and you can continue to proceed that way also. Whatever keeps your knickers unbunched. Have a most marvy day.
the overwhelming takeaway has been that the republicans would have had a better chance at pulling the brass ring from barak’s teeth had they been able to look at themselves and realized they were an incoherent raging mess. the president was able to state what he wanted to do and why and offer simple details as to how and why he wanted to do where as they couldn’t even maintain the direction of their own narrative.
the democrats ran an election campaign and the republicans tried to fight an internet argument in the real world, and nobody arguing on the internet ever looked smart or won anything.
I was talking to Venomsamurai regarding a point raised by Venomsamurai. What makes you think I was talking about or to anyone else? You just decided to throw some snark around in your usual passive agressive manner. Cool.
The use of A B C helps you to organize Holms. And calling you passive aggressively snarker would not label you; you are more the little dog who nips at the achelies tendon. To discuss this election: the Obama campaign defined Mittens and his bunch of starch shirts did not allow him to tell his reality. It shows he fought a campaign without useing objective arguements he had and discussed things like Reagan,but not as believable, but my prediction of him bringing out pie charts did not happen. That the repubs will filabuster and keep the government running slow is the best thing going for the U.S..
I don’t need to organise my points better, you need to pay more attention is all.
Mal doesn’t pay attention, Holms. Gets in the way of the word salad. 🙂
If he paid attention he’d know that the GOP defined Mittens when they said they don’t give a shit about women getting raped. Oh, and when they said gays were second class citizens. He can’t understand that people might be concerned about that, so better in his world to insist Obama played dirty.
After all, to him, who gives a shit about a few chicks and homos?
He’d also remember that Mitt established himself such a vacillating flip-flopper that even the GOP couldn’t stand to nominate him until they had absolutely no other choice. They cycled thru the entire nominee clown car before holding their noses and going for him.
I was hoping this cycle would have shaken them up a little and convinced them to nominate better candidates. Sadly, what I’ve been hearing from Mal and those like him doesn’t reassure me.
After all, that would require them to pay attention. 🙂
I’m guessing the people screaming now that freedom died on November 6, 2012, are mostly the same people who were screaming that freedom died on November 4, 2008.
Didn’t happen before, won’t happen now.
But there are a lot of conservative media outlets and personalities who will do much better business under four more years of President Obama. (And Hillary in 2016) Yay, hyperbole.
Amazing Jody, you say ‘word salad’ and you can dish word salad. You wonder why they don’t put forth a better candidate. I scream they don’t want to, and post such. But you continue to attack me as a conservative hate monger. You ignore, spew insults and paint the picture in your mind; much like the Chicago boys making a RINO like Mittens to the right of Rush Limbaugh, while ignoring Barry’s words and deeds. As for secsesionist nonsense go to Jack Blood’s site, he has charts to make it easy for you, but as reality, the subject is more complex.
You missed or at least ignored every point raised… better go off on multiple tangents! Verbal Waldorf, my favourite!
You whined that Obama defined Mitt as a starched shirt; I pointed out the GOP brand and Mitt’s own fecklessness did him in.
Your refusal to understand that tells me history is going to repeat itself and y’all are just going to double down on the crazy. I wonder what other minorities the GOP can alienate in their party platform next Convention? Maybe they’ll issue the Emancipation Retraction. 🙂
Amazing Jody your now calling me Obama for I called Mitt’s handlers starch shirts, perhaps you’re not an shallow liberal tool, your just dumb.
You live in a world of media “sound bites”. Your reasonings are totally devoid any emperical evidence. Your a seer, attempting to predict the future-then drag others into your fantastic looking glass world. You are part of the problem. There is no justification or reasoning regarding your rants past loose association to marginal media points(wherever you get them)purely designed to inflame the masses. I’m sick to death of your like talk, and wonder mightely how people like you retain these twisted ideas in the face of rational conversation. PLEASE do us all a favor and read your history. Many of these battles have already been fought, mistakes made & conclusions drawn. Could we do better now, most assuradely, but to fully comprehend you kinda need to remember what has gone before too. You, individually, either choose to stand ignorant or simply have not considered the past 240+ years of US history in your conclusions.
DANNY? change of a name does not drawl consensus Jody, You are a micro of a macrocosm. Have a great weekend.
Quite an interesting thread! I must admit that I don’t quite understand the mechanics of the health care system proposed and I barely use the one we have in Canada. It was an interesting election though a couldn’t watch the debates as it fills me with the urge to slap the shit out of anyone who interrupts the other’s speech. this it behavior more appropriate to a white-trash reality TV star than a ruling class aristocrat! I thought Governor Romney certainly had a more articulate and classier image than the previous candidates the party fronted. (I would probably voted for President Obama based on the Democrats’ plan though). i don’t really align with any particular potical or religious groups however as I can take care of myself.
I’m not Danny, Mal, tho you wish I was, lol.
All right, so what you said was that Mitt and his starch shirts let Obama define him. Sorry, as previously stated your word salad is tough to decipher sometimes. Either way the point is moot. You insisted that Obama defined who Mitt was. I merely pointed out that Obama didn’t need to; Mitt and the GOP did all the damage themselves with their sexist and homophobic little hate parade.
I also pointed out that your inability to understand this would be your downfall, to which you responded with indignation at my misunderstanding of your gibberish.
Which, again, proves my point. 🙂
It is an easy defense to write off a new voice as a mere sock puppet, far easier than the realisation that you might be the odd one out in your ‘reasoning’.
Jody, so with useing yor logic and other Dems as the template for Obama, he is an antisemite, emotionally driven, election fraud; then Savage(the radio guy, not the sex column guy) is kind to him. No Obama is in my belief what Rev. Wright said he was, “a polititian”. That another of the church of progressivism spouts and it sounds like you, then that is understandable. That you continue to call me a Romney supporter as an insault, says to me you are unthinking and angry. Why so angry? That I say again,I did not have a dog in that fight, feel that our elective officials and government workers should be on Medicare, as at least a show they understand what the common folk live by is turned into a conservative shill by you and other progressive zombees, so be it. In conclusion, the only wasted vote is when you hold your nose and vote, for the stench is a sign of a wasted vote. That Dr Stein is considered a waste of a vote because her views are correct and does not have the money to prevent the Dems and Repubs labling her a nut job to shut her up and marginalize her by a bunch of twits.
The trouble is you don’t use logic at all. This latest post of yours is exemplary:
– Obama is not an anti-semite and there is no rational logic suggesting as much.
– Emotionally driven? Is that a criticism of some sort? Who gives a shit!
– The only ones comitting election fraud is the GOP’s own efforts to prevent non-white people from voting.
– Uh yeah, Obama is a politician, no shit.
– “Church of the progressive”… odd, considering the republicans are the ones pandering to the christian vote.
– We aren’t angry, our preferred candidate won! You’re the one with the severe case of The Butthurts.
– They ARE on medicare. That’s the thing with universal health care – everyone is on it. Also, I see the fact that this is a good thing has still not penetrated.
Of course it is entirely possible that I have completely missed your point, but for that I blame your hopelessly rambling stream of consciousness writing.
Anyway the whole thing is a moot issue, because as Capcha points out, Mitt is the one who espoused negingv.
Holms, you seemed to mistaken universal healthcare and Obamacare. Universal healthcare guarantees you don’t need insurance to see a doctor. Obamacare forces you to buy insurance whether it be from a private company or the government. To your point about election fraud, last time I checked, any LEGAL citizen of the US can walk into the DMV and get a state issued photo ID. What is so racist about that? So the poor little illegals can’t vote. BOO FUCKIN HOO. You say the GOP is responsible for the election fraud, if any, in this past election? Really? Then how come the state of Ohio was evenly split for both candidates, yet they claimed the state for Obama? Trouble is fraud happens on both sides of the aisle and quite frankly, I think the voter ID laws work to beat a little of that.
By the by, this will be my last post on this thread, not because I feel I’ve won or lost, but to be honest, I’m just tired of the argument.
Ah, rich people don’t care about ya.
Politics drool, fast cars rule!
Fun fact: assuming everyone that couldn’t vote this election is, in fact, incredibly racist.
Also, fucking stupid. 🙂
Another fun fact: the left was in favor of universal health care. Has been the whole time. The right wing and the GOP were the ones shrieking “socialism!” the entire time. Not that I expect Venom or Mal to remember that, lol.
People that don’t understand that it isn’t easy for everyone to just walk down to the DMV and pick up a driver’s license, especially when they live in areas with poorly funded social services and without a need for automobiles (like the inner city), are just proud of how ignorant they are.
So, yeah. Racist or ignorant. Take your pick.
Or, you know, batshit insane. 🙂