My Cup Runneth Over!
Lots of new orders this week! Thanks noobs! You make a brother feel loved.
By the way, Deep Fried v.2 #4 has not fallen into a black hole. In fact, I just finished coloring the back cover. So, despite dishing out so many excuses for its delay that British Petroleum is thinking of hiring me as a press agent, Deep Fried #4, complete with the awesome fans-only Great Pumpkin story, will soon be ready for you!
So, if you are a Beepo, Roadkill, Clarissa, Ghastly Cash, Slamwich or (yes) even a Weapon Brown fan, send me an e-mail containing your fan comments and it may be printed in the new issue! Make your subject line “And the Horse You Rode In On” so I don’t confuse it for a penis pill ad.
Deep Fried, the reason why I wake up screaming every morning.
Will do!