All Hail the Conquering Puppet
After a summer in which Obama’s “play it cool” response to the Iranian election scandal led many of his detractors to call him soft on democracy (par for the course when you are also labeling someone a commu-fascist-illegal alien, but still…), what would be the last thing the President would want to cement that opinion?
Why presiding over his own mockery of Islamic democracy, of course! Enter the Shah of Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai!
If you recall, this guy was originally brought to power in 2001 by a council called  the “royal jerkoff” or something, where Afghanistan’s headmen, warlords and opium entrepreneurs all got together to pick a leader who was flashy enough for the networks but who would stay the fuck out of the way while they set up armed toll booths across the three unbroken strips of asphalt Afghanistan had left.Â
Master puppet: Hamid Karzai |
And so it was! Since then of course, we know how swimmingly things have gone in that nation. Anyone who laughed at “Return of the Jedi” when the Ewoks brought down the Empire are now starting to wonder if George Lucas isn’t God’s final prophet. Meanwhile, all the typical corruption and incompetence that traditionally accompanies the foreign leaders we prop up just before our nation is dealt a major humiliation has come to pass. Cronyism, impotence and a brother who our generals liken to Al Capone are the hallmarks of Karzai’s rule (that and his dashing karakul).
Add to that the recent election fraud and the opposition’s unwillingness even to participate in a UN mandated run-off for fear of further bullshit results, and what do we have? South Vietnam, baby! And here comes the troop-swelling to prove it!
The Boy who Cried Vietnam is a tired cliche by now, but Vietnam was more than just tens of thousands of dead Americans and riots in the streets. It was a decade long slog, a losing of faith, an expensive testing of the nation’s patience while politician’s tried to solve a foreign policy Rubik’s cube with only one thumb. We don’t need our soldiers dying by the gross to get that feeling back. An endless struggle in a land we don’t care about while our principles fly out the window like out of control drones will get us to that point just as quickly.
I’m not being pessimistic. It’s just a fact: Karzai’s victory removes even the pretense of democracy (forget Jeffersonian democracy) from Afghanistan. We are the authors of a bogus election as surely as any Ayatollah. You can’t Surge your way out of that defeat.
Hamid Karzai’s “re-election” only further proves the failure of world leaders, especially of Barack Obama, to take the necessary steps to liberate the thousands of innocents who die every month in that Land. Afghanistan is indefinitely the new Vietnam, but with far less casualties on our side OR on the side of the Taliban for that matter.
If you watch the daily show, you’ll recall after Obama was elected, Jon Stewart did his Obama voice. Which was the same as his Bush voice.
In hindsight, this was oddly prophetic.
I want to thank the two asshats above me for voicing their opinions in the most idiotic and demeaning way possible.I am honestly sick of people shitting all over whatever the fuck Obama tries to do,because apparently it will never be good enough for you self-righteous fucktards to get through your damn skulls that he is one man,he is doing the best he can,and as far as I’m concerned,it’s a hell of alot more than Bush ever did and what McCain said he would do.If you think you can do a better job start amassing funs so you can run in the 2012 elections.If not STFU and go stroke off to Nip/Tuck for a quick fix and stop giving me a fucking headache everytime Obama gets mention.
Now,onto what I really want to say,which is equally as important as to my last paragraph.This Hamid Kaz-Grabass guy I never heard of but I don’t deny the fact that he’s and otherabout as crooked as a dick infected with Hepatitis A,because at some part he’s going to screw someone and have them fucked as well,and that’s on top of the damage he’s already done.Unless the other guy dropped out due to intimidation and not just due to smelling shitfuckery seeping all over the re-elections,something more could have been done to ensure a fair vote and to get Hamid out of the running.It seems unlikely now,and to be honest it only seems like things are bound to get worst,and sadly I don’t really care at this point.The US and other UN countries did what they could to establish some sort of stability over there,but it seems fruitless now outside of making the Taliban and other extremists groups stay the fuck on their side of the sandbox or we’re going to beat them down for their lunch money again and to keep Hamid from running the damn country into the ground again.
And I will now proceed to shit all over what Obama does, not because he’s Obama, but because he’s the current dictator of the United States of Assholes.
Democracy is the loincloth of legitimacy afforded to tyrants. The idea that somehow 51% of the 50% of those who vote out of the 60% of those eligible to vote are capable of knowing what’s best, or how to hire the best for the job of RULING the FIRST, LAST and FUCK-ALL BETWEEN for EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY is the greatest myth of the 20th century and it’s bled into the 21st.
In Amerikkka, it’s the party of Government/business (60/40) versus the party of Business/government (60/40). Whoever wins, it’s the common people who lose. We’re poorer, less safe and less free than we were 20 years ago (and Reagan was just as bad as anybody else, he just didn’t have the power that the current diktat has). Obama was in the party of Government/business (60/40). Don’t believe me, look at his bank bailouts, corporate welfare, and for those still unconvinced, his donation records.
It’s no wonder I’m an anarchist.
Afghanistan is a clusterfuck. It was a clusterfuck when Russia was meddling there; it was a clusterfuck before that, and it’s been a clusterfuck since Amuhrka decided to get involved in ruling the region.
We’re there to make sure the natural gas pipelines flow into our reserves, because if we don’t control the majority of energy resources in the next decade, we are fucked. This whole “green jobs” and “carbon tax” bullshit is a means by which those who NEED carbon based fuels can bridle those who PROVIDE carbon based fuels. It’s NOTHING about “saving the planet.” It’s ALL about the money.
FOR EXAMPLE: Al Gore is set to become a BILLIONAIRE if cap-and-trade comes to fruition, and he’s not making money through voluntary trade of goods or services; he is making his massive sums through harnessing the power of violent coercion and democratic tyranny.
His answer to the allegation, essentially, “You don’t know me! you can’t judge me!” If the head of Exxon said this he’d be publicly hanged. But when an up-and-coming “Green” Tycoon says it, it’s a-ok.
Put simply, let the east sort itself out. It would have if the U.S. hadn’t been sticking its cock into every far flung region for the last century in an effort to build and then maintain a global empire.
And don’t buy the “green” hype. When all the major corporations (who are also military contractors) are on board with the idea, you know it isn’t in the best interest of peasantry.
I forgot to mention that the “those” who provide weren’t the well-heeled oil industry execs who also agree with the establishment of cap-and-trade, but the countries that pump the carbon-based fuels out of the ground.
@Mikey-You don’t think I already know this? Why the hell do anything for the better good when you can profit off of peoples’ lives? When it comes down to it,it’s always going to be about money and power in this country and any other,because apparently if you ain’t got it you don’t mean shit and I’m sick and tired of that sordid ass mentality. I never bought into the hype for Obama or the going green thing,however I do feel something different and better has to come out of it compared to what I and many others have had to dealt with this decade.
And something you pointed out,I didn’t even like the idea of that shitfuckery that were those bank bailouts because the idiots running those cans of stupidity into the ground were at fault for swindling funding and other ill practices.They’ve got no one to blame but themselves,not the folks who work their tailbones off to put their cash in the bank just so those nimrods can benefit off it.But like you said,common man gets screwed anyway,we had to suffer when it happened and were still suffering with the end result,but I WOULD like to think it’s not nearly as bad as it was when it happened a year ago (and,by god,it feels like it was yesterday when I was reading news articles and reading webcomics about that stuff).
Tyranny,unfortunately,is however you perceive,but in the end,most government systems are what were derived.The major difference with many of them is that they were established as a means to better regulate an area with many figures rather than just one,but just like the days of old there are still going to be inklets of corruption no matter what,because like I mention,it’s all about money and power for some.I knew when he put in his bid for presidency,not everyone was going to like Obama,not just because he’s black,because they didn’t know shit of what he was about and many folks still don’t,and even make comparisons of him to the last president.What I do know is that he’s trying to do a hell of alot more than what the past one did,and it can’t get any worst than what some of the even older ones have done (Regan was scum even for a republican and I still believe Nixon was probably the best republican prez this country had outside of most of the fuckups he did).
As far as Americas trying to be a global empire,can’t blame you for saying that when some many countries always look our way to fix things.And then those same countries are also the same ones talking shit behind our backs and blaming us when things go wrong.What the hell would you expect when people hype you up and then the same ones are the first ones that want to straddle you from a tree branch by your nutsack?
Barack Obama is the one who continued to escalate the war further than even George W. Bush took it. And now he sits back as a dictator is reinstated. How am I supposed to feel about the situation? Should I call this a victory?