That surly cyborg of mine returns today to begin the second chapter of Blockhead’s War. I hope there are lots and lots of you who are excited by this, or else my life has been a gigantic sham.
In fact, Weapon Brown will be occupying a significant portion of my time for the rest of the year, as I strive to complete Blockhead’s War and assemble it with the existing Weapon Brown material for my long-promised Weapon Brown graphic novel, due to hit stores in 2009.Â
In order to pull that off, I am for the time being going to reduce the number of comic updates from three to two a week, those being Mondays and Wednesdays, so as to maintain a consistent schedule (Weapon Brown is a little more challenging to draw than Beepo and Roadkill. All those little gears in his arm take about 51 hours to render, and then I must run the art by some engineers at MIT I have hired to ensure plausibility).
To that end, Beepo, Roadkill and Squints will be taking a hiatus while I keep the Browniness flowing. They are by no means defunct, however! I am already drawing the next chapter of their adventures, which I assure you will take my lovable misanthropes into very, very uncharted waters. They will be back in full force around January, by which time I should have wrapped Chuck’s adventure up and slapped a bow on it.
In the meantime, I think you are going to genuinely dig the remainder of Blockhead’s War, which is going to be bigger, ballsier and more thrilling than anything you have seen so far as Chuck works his way up to the ultimate battle with a certain boy and his tiger.
So fasten your safety belts…then unfasten that shit! This trip ain’t gonna be for pussies.