Poor Gramps. At least he went down fighting. I find it telling that instead of cursing as is the norm in this story, Chuck instead lets out a more Charlie Brown-like expletive at the sight.
I think Gramps might have a few parting words left in him. Maybe something along the lines as “You are not the last Weapon, there is another”. JK but I think Gramps is not done with his wisdom.
I bet that blind ninja got ‘im! 🙁
Gritty zips, Jason.
Dang, he got Spiff’d
I was half expecting giant mutated rats appear when he said that line. (There’s probably still time too.)
Why do I expect pops will go to pieces soon?
politics. oulusin
@Noel Schornhorst
you mean Rutger Hauer?
Looks like he’s going to be teaching someone else to splice a nerve cable.
Wait, he’s got a remote control on it, remember the fight with Krok?
Let’s hope the arm is okay. Too bad about Gramps. Chuck is gonna f some people up soon!
hope C grabs that tricorder as well as his arm
Forensics time, people. Position of hand(?)print on the cabinet near the vent. Direction of blood spatter on the desk near the pen and papers. Hmmm.
What’s the stuff hanging on the wall by the door, too?
I can’t stand it. I just can’t stand it.
Poor Gramps. At least he went down fighting. I find it telling that instead of cursing as is the norm in this story, Chuck instead lets out a more Charlie Brown-like expletive at the sight.
I think Gramps might have a few parting words left in him. Maybe something along the lines as “You are not the last Weapon, there is another”. JK but I think Gramps is not done with his wisdom.
Damn, they got gramps.
If they have been here: lets hope they didnt find Brown’s gear.
Not Grandad… CAZART!
Is… Is that alt text up there from Courage the Cowardly Dog?
Captcha knows when Gramps got shot: earialer mainly
If he could only have gotten his belt off.. but it’s cluttered up with gear. Belt-Fu would have saved the day.
I’m going to miss him. He was such a disarming character.
Captcha’s reaction to this: “August Jimmany!”
>pakopako said:
>I was half expecting giant mutated rats appear when he said that line.
Rodents of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist…
Hurry up, Chuck, and arm yourself; don’t be anything less than everything you can be!
— Captcha taking cooking lessons, and has some questions `about illentl`.