and the references are getting might-ty obscure. Curtis, check, and the dude from Edge City (w/ exposed brain? is his name Adam?), and Smokey Stover sounds familiar, but I’m otherwise stumped.
Truly awesome effect in the end there! Deep in layers of meaning, like an onion, only one that smells of blind girls, guns and mutant blood. (Actually, I don’t know what it smells like. I just farted.)
Just had a thought: Anne was talking earlier about contaminating the shmoo, but what exactly happens to that stuff when it’s contaminated? Does it turn into a sentient creature, like the Moat Monster from “On the Fastrack” (who originally came from toxic waste)?
As for today’s comic, I’m not sure who the guy with multiple chins is (unless he’s from “Herman”), or the guy with the huge nose. Anybody know?
— Captcha believes in `endatec Alife,` and will kill anyone who tells him it’s just a cult.
I think “spiff” is the sound Cal’s guns make. Not seeing any detonations from the barrel, so it’s probably a gauss gun or air compression.
Why do I have the BAD feeling that Cal is about to personally see to it that he adds “Annie’s internal organs” to the list of things that stopped working on Annie due to intense trauma?
I think tyhe ‘spiff’ noise is the shots Cal’s firing. If you look, you’ll notice the flechettes from his gun are shaped a bit like good ol’ Spaceman Spiff’s ship.
Captha’s telling me when it can help out: available iinsubl
I like how you drew the little girl from “Prickly City” as offensively as possible. I always found it amusing how the strip’s white, male creator somehow deluded himself into thinking if he used a black little girl as the avatar for his right-wing agenda it would somehow mask the inherent racism of his philosophy.
@lkjlkjsdfkj: I think you got it confused. David suggested that it would be cool if Annie took out Cal (i.e. she beats him, instead of Weapon Brown taking Cal down).
Additionally, I doubt Cal cares anything about any info Annie has. It’s the syndicate who cares– not Cal.
@Ploobis: Especially funny since Stantis isn’t above playing to racial stereotypes when drawing people he doesn’t like (he did a caricature of Whoopi Goldberg that looked like a darker, angrier Mumia Abu-Jamal. Don’t know if he ever did Jon Stewart in the Ewige Juden style Mallard Fillmore had a go at…).
Actually, the “Prickly City” characters look like they have merged into a single being. I didn’t know what you guys were saying about the racist thing until I looked harder. I saw the coyote, but didn’t notice he had the girl’s hair and scarf.
After a whole week, first week to the cutback of 1 update per week, there is going to be Fresh Brown tomorrow morning! Come on JY, start squeezing it out! Fresh Brown!!
Discussion (34) ¬
fucking badass. best comic ever. too bad it is only 1 update per week now. Go Chuck!
fucking go Pops! Go Annie! So badass.
It’s interesting in the last panel that Calvin has “spiff” floating through his thoughts..
Once a week TEMPORARILY! I swear!!
sweet. Adam went down in the Pops panel. Is that fat albert’s friend behind and under pop’s punch?
such a badass comic
Weapon Brown: now presented in Annie-O-Vision. 😀
So I guess CAL’s superhuman reflexes will count for nought when he’s distracted in a firefight.
In any case, looks like this might be curtains for Anne.
I gotta admit that is a really interesting way to show a blind chars perspective
NICE use of negative space! 😀
Man, Well done.
and the references are getting might-ty obscure. Curtis, check, and the dude from Edge City (w/ exposed brain? is his name Adam?), and Smokey Stover sounds familiar, but I’m otherwise stumped.
Yes, yes, continuing to rock. It’s almost getting boring – I mean, a diet of 100% pure awesomeness? How long can the human frame withstand this?
Is… Is Annie a Zatoichi?!
Truly awesome effect in the end there! Deep in layers of meaning, like an onion, only one that smells of blind girls, guns and mutant blood. (Actually, I don’t know what it smells like. I just farted.)
Just had a thought: Anne was talking earlier about contaminating the shmoo, but what exactly happens to that stuff when it’s contaminated? Does it turn into a sentient creature, like the Moat Monster from “On the Fastrack” (who originally came from toxic waste)?
As for today’s comic, I’m not sure who the guy with multiple chins is (unless he’s from “Herman”), or the guy with the huge nose. Anybody know?
— Captcha believes in `endatec Alife,` and will kill anyone who tells him it’s just a cult.
BTW, I like the “Rubes” reference in the first panel. Wonder how many here caught it?
— Captcha is `for atuate`; are you?
Judging by the tags I think multi-chin is Fat Stuff from The Adventures of Smiling Jack. No, I didn’t get this obscure reference myself, I googled it.
I think “spiff” is the sound Cal’s guns make. Not seeing any detonations from the barrel, so it’s probably a gauss gun or air compression.
Why do I have the BAD feeling that Cal is about to personally see to it that he adds “Annie’s internal organs” to the list of things that stopped working on Annie due to intense trauma?
Love the ‘Auditory Vision’ of the last panel. I spy with my blind little eye, something that starts with hate…
I’ve been waiting for Fatstuff. I just knew he would show up someday.
But where is the little featherless chicken that always catches that button?
I think tyhe ‘spiff’ noise is the shots Cal’s firing. If you look, you’ll notice the flechettes from his gun are shaped a bit like good ol’ Spaceman Spiff’s ship.
Captha’s telling me when it can help out: available iinsubl
Actually, I think it would be pretty damn cool if it was ANNIE who took out CAL.
I like how you drew the little girl from “Prickly City” as offensively as possible. I always found it amusing how the strip’s white, male creator somehow deluded himself into thinking if he used a black little girl as the avatar for his right-wing agenda it would somehow mask the inherent racism of his philosophy.
@ David: Cal is not going to take Annie out. She is the leader, and he needs her for her info and intel
@lkjlkjsdfkj: I think you got it confused. David suggested that it would be cool if Annie took out Cal (i.e. she beats him, instead of Weapon Brown taking Cal down).
Additionally, I doubt Cal cares anything about any info Annie has. It’s the syndicate who cares– not Cal.
Captcha theorizes that Annie “sees” by using an ‘Orikti Field’.
@Sherlock: the bignose guy is Mr. Boffo.
@Ploobis: Especially funny since Stantis isn’t above playing to racial stereotypes when drawing people he doesn’t like (he did a caricature of Whoopi Goldberg that looked like a darker, angrier Mumia Abu-Jamal. Don’t know if he ever did Jon Stewart in the Ewige Juden style Mallard Fillmore had a go at…).
Actually, the “Prickly City” characters look like they have merged into a single being. I didn’t know what you guys were saying about the racist thing until I looked harder. I saw the coyote, but didn’t notice he had the girl’s hair and scarf.
After a whole week, first week to the cutback of 1 update per week, there is going to be Fresh Brown tomorrow morning! Come on JY, start squeezing it out! Fresh Brown!!
Popeye has left the building. He must be pulling his punches, that guy’s head is still attached to his neck.
I’m going to pause here. I know it’s coming, and I’m actually going to feel it. So I’m going to take a deep breath, and just savor the fury of Huey:
My FRO!!!
ReCaptcha sez: Petna, I’m glad I met ya.
I think Annie is gonna Daredevil aaalllll over Calvin