Weapon Brown 210 by JY on January 23, 2014 at 12:00 am Chapter: 9 Fight and Flight └ Tags: Calvin, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, Henry Mitchell, Hobbes, Pat Ryan, Steve Canyon
Well, I recognize Dennis the Menace’s dad but not the other two
Nooo!!! That’s Dick Tracy getting dragged off! He didn’t even get to punch Prune Face!!
You uploaded this out of order from what I recall. Should be the big battle first, and then CalV1N cuts off walker
llkjdsflkj: go back, click the link. you’re welcome.
Sven– nope.
Cool! Yup, I think we missed a panel.
Nice touch with all the pipes falling to the floor. Captcha calls it “arkshlor justice.”
I thought that I was having an aneurism when I couldn’t remember seeing the panel that came before this one. Jason posted the link at the tags section but here is the link for the lazy:
Calvin Slaughter or Calvin’s Laughter? Is there a difference? :O
HA! Finally got the pun — "Pipe down!" Good one, JY.Captcha previews the new Dan Brown novel: "Supposing Giaperti."
JY: My genius writes itself!
Everyone around me is wondering why I’m laughing so hard. Iiiiiiiiii… better not tell them.
Cal clearly takes the “no smoking” policy very seriously.