Spot the absurdly, comically exaggerated event that absolutely could not happen in real life:
A) a clown having spent the night in the gutter reeking of booze B) dressed in a wiener suit C) attends a con(vention) for breakfast idols free of charge D) publicly inquires into the morality of his desire to engage in an explicit, breakfast themed sex act with an underage, handicapped girl, which E) leads to a voice actress taking personal responsibility and retiring from the scene, leading to F) a lynchmob ineffectually held back by a grapefruit, as G) the clown is for once not backed up by a satanic cat.
Answer: E) in real life, nobody would take personal responsibility, let alone a voice actor. But we can dream. We can dream.
Well, there is always the possibility that the clown was so disturbing that it made the voice actor decide they needed to check out from the human race and become a hermit.
Back in the 1990s I was seriously making plans on how to become a hermit and only interacting with the rest of the world through mail order. The problem? I became addicted to the internet soon after high school. There is no high speed internet in places where being a hermit is feasible.
Fast forward 25 years and my wife and kid may have a problem with me disappearing into the backwoods to grow carrots and eat squirrels. All because of the internet.
I suppose its just as well. That is how the unabomber began, after all.
Aaaannnnd…cue the torches & pitchforks. Might as well grab the tar & feathers, while you’re at it.
Gold ! Solid fuckin’ gold !!
-unlubed donkey dildo…
I found that way more amusing than I should have. Especially the last panel.
Spot the absurdly, comically exaggerated event that absolutely could not happen in real life:
A) a clown having spent the night in the gutter reeking of booze B) dressed in a wiener suit C) attends a con(vention) for breakfast idols free of charge D) publicly inquires into the morality of his desire to engage in an explicit, breakfast themed sex act with an underage, handicapped girl, which E) leads to a voice actress taking personal responsibility and retiring from the scene, leading to F) a lynchmob ineffectually held back by a grapefruit, as G) the clown is for once not backed up by a satanic cat.
Answer: E) in real life, nobody would take personal responsibility, let alone a voice actor. But we can dream. We can dream.
Well, there is always the possibility that the clown was so disturbing that it made the voice actor decide they needed to check out from the human race and become a hermit.
Back in the 1990s I was seriously making plans on how to become a hermit and only interacting with the rest of the world through mail order. The problem? I became addicted to the internet soon after high school. There is no high speed internet in places where being a hermit is feasible.
Fast forward 25 years and my wife and kid may have a problem with me disappearing into the backwoods to grow carrots and eat squirrels. All because of the internet.
I suppose its just as well. That is how the unabomber began, after all.