An ode generally has more praise and less criticism of its putative subject so this may be more of a Juvenalian satire or a parody or perhaps even a curse. Given that Mr. Crooks “attempt” on the Mango Hued One may be more of a false flag than an honest effort perhaps his type is/are not the ones who should be asked to try again. Don DeLillo wrote of the Oswald/Kennedy snafu in his novel “Libra” as an Intelligence operation meant to bolster Kennedy’s re election that was hi-jacked by an even Deeper State. Trump must be familiar with the use of blood squibs from his association with Pro Wrestling.
An ode generally has more praise and less criticism of its putative subject so this may be more of a Juvenalian satire or a parody or perhaps even a curse. Given that Mr. Crooks “attempt” on the Mango Hued One may be more of a false flag than an honest effort perhaps his type is/are not the ones who should be asked to try again. Don DeLillo wrote of the Oswald/Kennedy snafu in his novel “Libra” as an Intelligence operation meant to bolster Kennedy’s re election that was hi-jacked by an even Deeper State. Trump must be familiar with the use of blood squibs from his association with Pro Wrestling.