Li’l Rascal! by JY on November 3, 2021 at 10:20 pm Posted In: Blogginz Fresh from her lawsuit against Lucasfilm (for appropriating her name for a terrible movie) comes my latest addition to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants series: the power-snatching sasspot known as Rogue! └ Tags: brotherhood of evil mutants, cartoon, comic, Jason Yungbluth, mutant, rogue, X-Men
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If there’s one thing … the strike of old lady hair….? I dunno. The rest is awesome
Maybe a blonde-ish strike?
JY: It ain’t my fault she gots granny hair! Blame Stan Lee!
A thinner strike…. my 2 cents
I had a grey stripe in my beard. It pissed some folks off so now the whole thing is grey .