Also Rand
The wave of left-wing reactionism to Rand Paul has nearly crested, but surfs still up! From Crooks and Liars, a little Glenn Beckery based on (of all things)Â a Tweet from a Neo Nazi:
“Neo-Nazis have just as much right as anyone else to contribute to campaigns… Clearly, the expectation is for their guy to do right by them when he gets there, and frankly, there’s no reason for them to doubt that, based on the evidence.”
SPARE. ME. I have not yet been blown away by Rand, but have you seen his competition? Kentucky Democrat Jack Conway is such an off-the-shelf politician that  he probably comes three to a blister pack! His face looks like it was made to wear pancake makeup, and his rhetoric is so trite he may as well have a draw string. “Brighter tomorrows” and “Now-is-the-time’s” roll off his tongue as though he were the hypnotized candidate in a scheme hatched by Lex Luthor.
Back to Rand. Soft spoken, somewhat clumsy with the English language in the manner of his father Ron Paul, hair that looks like a pile of dog shit… and willing to tell the truth about his actual philosophies, at least so long as he can avoid a backlash from the right and the left, neither of whom actually welcome conversations about controversial subjects (though they doth protest otherwise).
The thing that liberals have yet to understand is, at the end of the day there are going to be Republicans in Congress no matter what, and Rand Paul is the kind we can deal with.
There are three types of conservatives vying for Tea Party momentum: one faction is the theocrat/tinfoil hat brigade belonging to Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. A second is the plutocrat wing of Gingrich and Romney, and the third and most imperiled is the libertarian wing. But if I had to name the Republican least likely to appear on the Sunday talk shows trying to repeal the Bill of Rights the next time some Pakistani parks a U-Haul full of horse manure and bottle rockets in Times Square, it would be Rand Paul.
Rand’s style of Libertarianism is largely unfamiliar to the public at large, but any attempt to play him as a racist or regressive are premature. He believes in smaller government, yes, and he has actually made a bold move by critiquing the Civil Rights Act. The only thing ballsier would be running a cartoon of Mohammed in his campaign literature. Is the Civil Rights Act as it is written the best law for our country? I’d be willing to bet it is. But then again, I have never been asked to consider the question before. Thanks Rand!
There’s lots of real life objections that can be thrown against Rand Paul that don’t require Code Pink to start attending his rallies, especially his Atlas Shrugged attitude towards business. His abortion stance is also foolhardy. But slandering him with charges of Nazisim? Are we really going to go down the Fox News road of playing the Hitler card every time an anti-status quo candidate rears his head?
I think Rand Paul is probably naive and Utopian, but he is also against the PATRIOT Act. Has Obama come out against that? Rand takes a jaded eye towards the defense budget and isn’t afraid to discuss the Military Industrial Complex in pejorative terms, either. Obama ramped up the Afghan War and the world’s goody two-shoes gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for it!
Time will tell whether Rand Paul is actually his own man and continues to speak his mind, or if the Republicans (aided and abetted by Rachel Maddow and others who can’t see the forest for the trees) prove to him that Americans on the left and right actually prefer a Party of No.
(This makes up for my feeling of inadequacy in not getting your Michelangelo’s David reference.)
with all due respect – let’s make the civil rights people make that call, e.g. blair kelley and mike ervin here:
-> after all, you’re not the one who’s being code-worded back into a previous time when men were still men, women were still women, and one was still free to *&”=$ his n&(%).
US discourse has rendered the word nazi completely meaningless at this point it seems…
For once, I can actually agree with something you wrote other than your comics. While Rand Paul may be a blander version of his daddy, he may be able to break the vanilla attitude of some of the Repubs. I know you must be slightly shocked to hear someone as to the right as me agree with you. I mean that’s like recieving the Nobel Peace Prize for not doing a fucking thing. Oops, did I just slip an Obama joke in there?
The above discourse is beginning to show pragmatic thinking of maturity, welcome to the grey JaSon.
There’s no grey about it. Listening to everything a person is saying, and not just the things we want to hear, is our duty as far as I’m concerned. Liberals don’t have to sit by and let this so-far right wing only tumult march past us.
That said, Libertarianism, if that is what Rand stands for, looks for the smallest possible state, not just a government by citizens, and not just fauning devotion to dollar signs.
So if he wants to sneak by with just the barest commitment to real Libertarianism, he’s got another thing coming. Rand sure says a lot of the things that Ron Paul’s son might, but Rand says he is not playing in quite the same waters as the old man, as far as ideology goes. So, where does that Libertarianism begin and end?
If his first bite at a smaller government is the Civil Rights Act… well hey, if you have to dunk both your balls on the public’s head, I guess that’s a good way of doing it. I am not going to call it quits on him over that. I’m gonna let him explain himself. Look, if he gets shut down right out of the gate, how is he going to take risks on anything else? But he’s wrong on that one, too. That I’m sure of.
On the other hand, maybe he is a Mad Sheep. Maybe he’s trying to scoot in pretending to be the kind of guy Dad’s kooky friends will vote for. Gotta watch out for those too.
“And toiling…” said Lord Captcha.
Should he be elected, Rand Paul will be exactly the same brand of wingnut the GOP has been planting on the national stage for thirty years; Obstructionist, jingoistic, authoritarian, and beholden to big business.
It is less about the man’s own politics and more about the current mindset of the GOP. Anyone that’s going anywhere in that party is going to toe the line. My own feelings about libertarianism aside, just look at the way Paul has been walking back his statements and how the big brass in the GOP has been saying his fifteen minutes are up.
If he wins, it’ll be even more “more of the same”. Bank on it.
well, this US brand of libertarians (they do not exist anywhere else as far as I know) and anarchists of all stripes have the distrust of authority in common. In the 19th and 20th century this meant government.
Now it still means government… yet more and more groups within society were getting access to government and political parties via organizing, so the elites have reacted by outsourcing power to corporations and hiding the government behind it.
If Rand Paul cannot see the government behind Walmart, Pfizer and Haliburton… this would suggest he is either stupid or a shrill…. mad sheep indeed…
captcha disagrees: New hopefully
Andreas, Rand Paul isn’t stupid (in spite of his lack of media savvy.) Much like Hank Williams Jr., he’s another privileged kid trying to make his way off his daddy’s name. The majority of libertarians that I’ve met (your mileage may vary,) are people that were born on third base and whine that there are rules against them walking to home before the pitch is thrown. The only laws they want are the ones that keep people like me from whomping them upside the head with a brick and taking their unearned money from them.
no, my mileage doesn’t vary, actually… 😉
captcha reminds me I have to make dinner:
ready asparagus
A Libertarians credibility is inversely proportional to his ability to keep quiet about his ideology