Hot Water
Glenn Beck is sunk into his chair, as relaxed as a Vito Corleone on the day of his daughter’s wedding. Sarah Palin sits at attention. Beck, the Rick Warren of the Tea Party phenomenon, is about to test the former governor of Alaska’s orthodoxy.
“Who’s your favorite Founder?”
“Uhh, well…y’know, well, all of them, because they came collectively together with so much diverse…”
“Bullcrap. Who’s your favorite?”
Palin looks into her lap, blubbers a bit, tries to work “diversity” into her answer somehow, then finally arrives at George Washington, Beck’s chosen Founder, as disclosed moments earlier. She has kissed the ring.
Palin’s January 12th interview with Beck was easily the most embarrassing  one she gave in the whirlwind tour of the Fox News studios that the half-term governor  undertook last week, which included appearances under Hannity and O’Reilly’s spotlights as well. The three biggest egos in Right Wing television, all vetting her at once; all part of Palin’s coming out ceremony to celebrate her premier as an official Fox News commentator,Â
But it is Beck’s interview which was the most interesting, not for again revealing the thimbleful of substance contained in the oil drum that is Palin’s celebrity, but for his attempt to hogtie her and drag her into the strange cult of the Founding Fathers that has become the centerpiece of Beck’s Tea Party movement. Palin’s floundering answer, akin to her repsonse to Katie Couric’s crippling inquiry as to what magazines she reads, disclosed that Palin is no more interested in the puffed-up brilliance of the  powdered wigs that attended America’s birth than she is about the print media. But in Beck’s world, and the world of the tea bags, you are either with the Founders, or against them.
As mid-term fever heats up, expect ever increasing flashbacks to the Revolutionary War, and ever more D-list celebrities appearing in tricorns and cravats. This is because the beating heart of the conservative movement, Reagan worship, is now deader than disco. Conservatism has been vandalized beyond repair by the fiasco of Bush/Cheney and the Rubber Stamp Congress, its ego smashed by economic policies that could have been written by Kim Jong Il,  its conscience molested by waterboarding, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo. And though it is considered uncouth by both parties to give more than an over-the-shoulder glance backwards to the outgoing era, lest our full memory kick in, the conservatives are left with nothing to pride themselves on after nearly a decade of life in the Owner’s Box. They’d sought that grip on power for so long, but America was a dear, precious puppy, and their grip was that of  Lennie Small.
Fortunately, since the darkling usurper took power in the White House, the conservative’s have wasted no time in reinventing themselves. And their approach, while not entirely novel, makes up for its lack of ingenuity with its naked aggression. Our times are genuinely troubled. The nation, while not in a great depression, is in a genuine depression none the less. The homesteads are being seized while the rich dine on the People’s caviar. It is clearly not morning in America, and will not soon be. More than a smiling old man will be needed this time. A whiff of grapeshot is called for! We must return…to the Revolution!
This is the kernel, and more or less the full corncob, of the Tea Party phenomenon. Populist rage which should correctly be funneled at our entire government and its ossified parties, but funneled (naturally) by the party out of power into a campaign designed to return them to their rightful thrones, dressed up in the only garb of  dissent from our history that does not naturally polarize the masses, the breeches and stockings of the Minuteman.Â
As one NPR commentator put it, we are seeing “grass roots with an expensive lawnmower.” Real public discord matched with empty patriotism, a vacuous grasp of history and a Republican party that thrives on both. How many of the tea bags know more about the Revolution, its origins or its philosophies than that there was a Boston Tea Party and, later, a Declaration of Independence?Â
You can sense the dangerous nonsense the Tea Party effort could really become when you realize all that the Declaration of Independance contains for them. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are imbued by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is the Tea Party shibboleth. That any words precede this statement, or that a great deal follows, is mostly an alien and irrelevant notion to these angry conservatives. That the Declaration of Independance is not a religious tract, or a call to arms, but a thoughtful and quite specific announcement of a new order and what has required it, is the farthest thing from the mind of a person scribbling a Hitler ‘stache on a picture of Barack Obama. This movement is not about ideas, but about feelings. It’s membership does not need to think, only rant and heckle.
Matthew Spalding, an author and historian at the Heritage Foundation, sums up the conscience of a tea bag in a story he includes in his book “We Still Hold These Truths”, about a soldier in the Revolution whose only education was the bible, and whose only motivation to fight the most powerful military in the world was that Americans wanted to govern themselves, and that the British” didn’t mean that we should.”
While this simple creed sounds great coming from the mouth of one of  the men who fought to build this nation, it has very little relevance to the screaming or weeping fucknuts forming random hordes at town halls or on the National Mall. What are they fighting for exactly, except to guarantee that health insurance companies can continue to hold the nation in a choke hold, or to multiply the cameras, sniffers, wire taps and all-nude x-ray scanners intruding on our lives in the name of security?
The walk to go with this revolutionary talk is, in actuality, nowhere to be seen. Rumors of third parties burn off like so much morning fog, despite the multiplicity of conservatives declaring themselves to be independents. O’Reilly, Beck… even Palin has tiptoed away from the Republican party, at least in words. But don’t worry, she isn’t going that rogue. Neither are the others. For no sooner have the words “third party” hit the air than it becomes clear that there is no third party, nor will there be, and certainly no one at Fox is going to proffer the names of any candidates or (massive, ear splitting snort) endorse one for anything more important than a school board race.
Their third party candidates are the faces on the money. Washington, Jefferson, maybe Franklin when he isn’t talking about how people who give up liberty for security deserve neither. The Founders, into whom all hope may be poured, and whose legacy–of being smarter by an order of magnitude than any of the phoney bags of shit who worship them–may be invoked by one congressional candidate after another, until the world is made right, and the wealthy are once again taxed at the rate which God intended.
I do enjoy your incisive political commentary. Beats anything I’d find on these days.
But.. but.. but.. faux news said…
Todays captcha is something faux should have done for Mrs. Palin:
received primping
What irritates me is that the majority of “Republicans” nowadays aren’t even anything remotely related to the Republican party I used to be a part of. Nowadays it isn’t about making sure America succeeds (yeah, I bought the party line, but I was young) but rather make sure those with the most money to throw at the politicians get what they want. It isn’t about a government small enough to do the job, about fair taxation, about a strong military (not a runaway one designed to fight a war already won over a decade ago), about breaking monopolies and those with predatory business practices.
Now it’s all about clamping down and being intolerant, ignorant, bigoted, and jumping up and down wrapped in a flag and screaming patriotism at the top of their lungs like a retarded gibbon.
All the while sucking like a fat leech at the country they claim to serve, who’s government service isn’t for the benefit of anyone but them.
Palin’s the perfect brain dead spokesperson for the new “Republican Party”, brainless, ignorant and willfully so, easily led and uncaring about history or motives, vain, petty, and ultimately out for number one.
Screw the Republican party, and all the wanna-be fascists and greedy bastards who claim they only want what’s best for the country.
All you have to do is give up essential liberties, freedoms fought and paid for in blood, and mindlessly follow along.
Bitter? Yeah.
T-Willard, this is what I hear from every republican I’ve ever met. Eventually, and I dont think it will be long now, the people will realize its not just them who don’t care what Fox News has to say and its not just them who disagree with everything the republican party has become, but all their neighbors as well. The teabagger movement is just a small band of fanatics who do not represent the opinions and desires of most American. I seriously doubt there even will be a republican party in 10 to 20 years.
Kommunism on the rise?
good reading material there.
captcha health care comment: doctors buck
Yeup. The GOP’s party line for decades now has been “fuck you; I got mine”.
Wealthy elites with an overdeveloped sense of grievance have manipulating libertarian/populist useful idiots into making sure the pyramid scheme that is American capitalism keeps the money flowing in one direction. To do that, they need a broke, uneducated workforce. Mexicans are getting too big a political hot potato to just keep importing, so they’re working on breaking the middle class. If something starts to bubble to the surface that looks like the country as a whole might benefit, all they need to do is shriek “SOSHULISM!” or “FUCK YOU AL GORE!” and the usual jeering mobs will jump in front of the Fox cameras, wearing tricorn hats adorned with teabags and brandishing poorly spelled placards equating Obama with Hitler, Bin Laden, Stepin Fetchit, or some combination thereof, all the while shrieking spittle-flecked slogans about how the Declaration of Independence tells them it’s their God-given right to oust the darkie from their White House by force.
Plutocrats manipulating useful idiots. The lot of ’em.
…that’s not to say I don’t have an issue with the Dems as well, of course. But when one party has been pulling in one direction for decades, and that direction is one of bigoted ignorant authoritarianism, you gotta look at who the real villains are.
Jody, great points. Expect to hear a whole lot of false equivalency in the next few months about how Dems are no better than Reps, which explains how the most liberal state in the nation can let Kennedy’s seat go R at such a crucial time.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed in Obama and the Dems and I’m proud that my side is critiquing their pick way earlier than conservatives began to toss Bush under the bus (’06 or later). But that being said, we should never lose track of which party the true villains reside in.
First off, I want to say that this article was very well written and thought out. I don’t normally read the stuff here, but this was just so good I had to take a gander.
That said, I am a bit uneasy at the absolute dearth of varied opinions here. Unless someone is going to explicate the reasoning that drives the majority of the right, this is little more than a political circle jerk. Once you start assuming that the other guy is either crazy or malicious, you’ve closed off your mind to rational debate. I’m particular struck by the line by Jody and malachi about Republicans being the “true villains”. That doesn’t seem to be very open to other opinions.
The best suggestion I can offer is to not get blinded by TV personalities. Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin… these are popular figures whose lives revolve more around the media than the government. Think of them like the hippies of the 70s, but for the right rather than the left. Sure, they are wildly popular, and their words motivate countless blind followers despite the fact that they are penned out of nothing more than a desire for fame or money, but I don’t think that we should throw out all of conservative ideology simply because a few idiots decide to go for style over substance.
T-Willard brought it up with the “Republican party I used to be part of”. The conservative ideology there (things like small government, “fair” taxation, and a strong military) do make sense, even if liberals don’t agree with them. Real political discourse is examining those ideas, debating them and looking at different points of views. Be wary that you don’t just become an O’Reilly of the left.
Mark, in times past, I espoused exactly your view – rational debate, listening to the smart people on both sides, etc. There’s nothing wrong with rational debate when both sides are willing to ACTUALLY debate the issues. But the Bush years showed that while both sides were full of shit to some extent, one is way more likely to use demagoguery and straight out lying to get what they want. Find me ANY Democratic examples that sink to the level of Rove’s schenanigans, the Osama-fication of Max Cleland, or the constant Orwellian rebranding of whatever laws the party wants passed or sunk (“Clear Skies Initiative” = more pollution; “estate tax” = “death tax”; tepid Healthcare bill = “GUBMINT takeover!!!”).
If this were only a matter of a few right wing pundits shitting into the discourse, that would be one thing. But these lies have worked their way down to the citizen level and are here to stay. Try having a “rational”, “honest” debate in a web forum about climate change, sometime – 95% of the time, it can’t be done. No matter how many facts or studies or logical arguments you throw at them, they’ve got bluster, sophistry, illogic, and talking points at the ready. I’m not debating Glen Beck, but I might as well be. Which is why I’m done being nice and finished thinking that both sides are equally noble or equally culpable in this mess that we’re in. They’re not, and this myth of false equivalency is what keeps real change from occurring. It’s what causes people to think that Obama is equally responsible for the recessions and bailout. The charlatans that got us into this mess deserve any of the ridicule and venom directed their way.
That’s one thing that annoys me about the current Republican party. I was raised Republican, and taught that just because the other side has the idea or can get it done doesn’t make it bad.
But now, rather than intellectually deconstruct the issue and examine it, it’s easier to scream COMMUNISM! without any knowledge of what Communism really is, or bellow out SOSHULUSM! without any knowledge of what exactly that political theory is.
It isn’t about reason, political discourse, discussion, debate, and examination at all any more. It’s more about catch phrases, misunderstood concepts, sound bites, and talking heads.
And it’s really disappointing.
As far as the “Tea Bag” party goes, I find it interesting that they choose to refer to themselves by a term that nowadays refers to placing one’s testicles on the forehead of another person, usually by force.
It’s very hard to take them seriously, or even think that they aren’t trying to do politically exactly what the name is.
Hold the American electorate down and rub their sweaty balls on the foreheads of the American people.
They invoke the names of the Founding Fathers, but actually have little to no knowledge of the men behind the carefully crafted images. Do I think Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers would support Universal Health Care? Since ALL MEN are created EQUAL, and they believed in the right to LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, how could they not? Shouldn’t everyone have the opportunity for equal care? Do they not have the right to life, a happy life?
Man, I could go on and on and on.
And you can probably see why I’m not really considered a Republican any more, even though the majority of my political beliefs haven’t changed since the mid-80’s.