Keep Whatisdeepfried alive in 2020!

You’ve seen it at the top of the page for a month now: the Death Ray 2020 Kickstarter. This is an unorthodox campaign, not meant to fund a project so much as keep my current projects going and allow me to dedicate more time to this site without the awkward pauses you must sometimes endure. I want making these comics to be my full-time job, and that requires a bare minimum of dollars.

As Death Ray 2020 was a bit of an experiment, it is not too hard for me to admit that, barring a New Year’s miracle, when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st I might not have reached my 7k goal. However, I am super gratified that thanks to fans like you I am within striking distance of 4k!

And with just that much, I can still create all the new, printable rewards in small batches that Death Ray 2020 is offering,  as well as deliver on all the other physical and electronic goodies that I already have in stock. I can do this in a post-campaign sale that will be offered through my site to everyone who pledged, and I will stay in contact with those same customers via the Kickstarter page and e-mail system.

And the best news is, without having to factor in the Kickstarter fees, I can offer all the rewards to my customers at a discount! You’ll get everything you pledge for on the exact same terms, but at a lower price!

If you haven’t already checked out Death Ray 2020, or if you were on the fence about pledging, please give it another look, and thank you so much for sticking around this past year (and decade!) I am excited for all the new things I will be bringing to you in 2020 and beyond.

Happy New Year!
