Perhaps it’s because X almost killed his dog. X almost killed Snoop, but then saved Snoop at the end, giving his life.
Or maybe it’s because X had done plenty of things, from violence to insults, that would normally earn a Big Sendoff from Chuck. So X got his, just not from Chuck.
Whatever, it’s hard-as-nails, and it fits Chuck. Can’t shed a tear for X, so he has to think in terms of debts settled. Chuck took a lot of shit for X’s cause, fair’s fair that X would pay him back.
Fuck…we all know Chuck’s not stupid enough to leave it. Bye bye CAL.
Let’s get real for a second. Chuck was a real person. Even if it wasn’t for very long, Chuck had a time when he was growing up as an actual human being…check his memories of living in the refugee camps at Christmas time.
CAL was always just a nano-enhanced freak. And most of his life, he spent in cryo. The best edge Chuck ever had on him was the capacity to look at his life and really think about what it meant. Look at CAL’s reaction to Pop’s scream, and his subsequent reaction to what Chuck said about it. He felt it, but he couldn’t really THINK about it. That’s why, when it was all about what CAL thought, he was ultimately at the mercy of the people sent Van Pelt to think what they told him to. And that’s why Chuck wins.
Some truly remarkable images these past several installments. I would rather have a framed Yungbluth than a framed Warhol. I already have a framed Bode.
Wasn’t Chuck programed too? His control word was blockhead.
What if Cal is cured/broken/deprogramed now, and they team up to visit death and destruction on their creators(the syndicate )?
Chuck is a realist. Cal deserves to get smoked, but what a powerful ally.
I think “Guess that squares us” is spoken to Cal. “Okay, you killed Hughie, but you’re dead, or about to be.” … It doesn’t sound so convincing when I type it out.
I think the problem here is that we’re reading this one little update at a time. Read in one go, Hughie really didn’t to a lot to endear himself to Brown, nor did he earn his respect. He was a comrade in arms, but not a friend. Hughie is not Pops, who Brown could respect professionally and especially since he’s suffered the same kind of loss. In comparison, Brown actually LIKES Anne. She’s the last vestige of something good in the wastelands and the only thing worth fighting for (other than Snoop and survival).
Despite this, Hughie did something that really earned his respect in the end that made up for everything and you can see it in Brown’s expression. When he first saw Hughie was dead, Brown had his Clarissa “no matter what everything continues to be horrible” sour, broken look because once again, someone decent is dead because no matter what, he’s still Charlie brown.
You guys are overthinking this. Was Hughie a friend? At the end, yes. Did Chuck feel like he owed Hughie a debt of some sort? Yes, after all, Hughie did come to bat time and time again, his final act being saving Snoop. But Chuck can’t bring him back to life. Any debts Chuck owed Hughie have no meaning in death. “Guess that squares us.”
Don’t forget there is a big difference between being friends and being friendly. Don’t forget, X went out of his way to be antagonistic to Brown for 95% of their association. And shot his dog. So dying while saving Snoop might square the books for Brown. Maybe.
I wonder what the one wheeled Jesus freaks will think of the flavor of Shmoo?
Captcha is protesting the rule of those who don’t like to keep things in boxes:
Antikrates, rookssc
Gub! He’s still alive… so the nano tech marks means that CAL could be on the mend… if he can get control of his mind… Either way, time to blow this whole place to smithereens!
Capthcha ready and willing. Or at least soliciting for help…
imestou Volunteers
I’m thinking that “Being Squared” simply refers to; Hughie coming VERY close to killing Snoop, then saving Snoop by booting his butt out of the Schmoo meatball.
‘come Monday’
It’ll be alright
Come Monday
I’ll be holding you tight
I’ll spend four lonely days
in the brown LI haze
and I just want you back by my side.
How about a short Beepo and Roadkill comic to ease the pain… Better yet, how about one or else I will vote for M Romney! JY: Were that I had the time to draw my beloved decadent freaks!
1. What does Chuck mean by that?
2. I can not wait to see what he does to Cal! Mwahahahahaha!
Perhaps it’s because X almost killed his dog. X almost killed Snoop, but then saved Snoop at the end, giving his life.
Or maybe it’s because X had done plenty of things, from violence to insults, that would normally earn a Big Sendoff from Chuck. So X got his, just not from Chuck.
Whatever, it’s hard-as-nails, and it fits Chuck. Can’t shed a tear for X, so he has to think in terms of debts settled. Chuck took a lot of shit for X’s cause, fair’s fair that X would pay him back.
Also, SCARTH A.D. 2195 reference. CLEVER.
Leave it, or kill it?
Fuck…we all know Chuck’s not stupid enough to leave it. Bye bye CAL.
Let’s get real for a second. Chuck was a real person. Even if it wasn’t for very long, Chuck had a time when he was growing up as an actual human being…check his memories of living in the refugee camps at Christmas time.
CAL was always just a nano-enhanced freak. And most of his life, he spent in cryo. The best edge Chuck ever had on him was the capacity to look at his life and really think about what it meant. Look at CAL’s reaction to Pop’s scream, and his subsequent reaction to what Chuck said about it. He felt it, but he couldn’t really THINK about it. That’s why, when it was all about what CAL thought, he was ultimately at the mercy of the people sent Van Pelt to think what they told him to. And that’s why Chuck wins.
It’d be grotesquely, disgustingly hilarious if CAL were somehow pressed into service as a *replacement* for the Garf.
He’s practically a humanoid equivalent of a honey ant right now…
Some truly remarkable images these past several installments. I would rather have a framed Yungbluth than a framed Warhol. I already have a framed Bode.
Splash him, Chuck!
Captcha says it’d be very yststyi…
That’s about as sentimental as Chuck gets now. Hope he keeps his distance if he blows CAL’s head off; he’ll probably go off like a bottle rocket!
Inverse bukkake?
Looks to me like Cal has officially had his fill of girls today…(chuckles)
Time to incinerante the body.
it’s thursdays at the bustop all over again. smells like bad sour cream, toes and marmalade in the sun.
thanks for ruining my appetite, yungbluth.
I remember a little warning that Dil gave to chariman Horns about the Cal, just before mohawk-boy was pulled out of cryo.
I dunno if it’s possible at this stage int he game, but THAT’S the ending I’d like to see
I was going say he’s transformed into Zippy, until I remembered we’ve already seen Zippy in the Strip.
Anyway, he can recover, right? It might still be the nuke in Chuck’s arm, right?
Wasn’t Chuck programed too? His control word was blockhead.
What if Cal is cured/broken/deprogramed now, and they team up to visit death and destruction on their creators(the syndicate )?
Chuck is a realist. Cal deserves to get smoked, but what a powerful ally.
I think “Guess that squares us” is spoken to Cal. “Okay, you killed Hughie, but you’re dead, or about to be.” … It doesn’t sound so convincing when I type it out.
Reminds me a bit of Weird Al’s “Fat” music video.
I think the problem here is that we’re reading this one little update at a time. Read in one go, Hughie really didn’t to a lot to endear himself to Brown, nor did he earn his respect. He was a comrade in arms, but not a friend. Hughie is not Pops, who Brown could respect professionally and especially since he’s suffered the same kind of loss. In comparison, Brown actually LIKES Anne. She’s the last vestige of something good in the wastelands and the only thing worth fighting for (other than Snoop and survival).
Despite this, Hughie did something that really earned his respect in the end that made up for everything and you can see it in Brown’s expression. When he first saw Hughie was dead, Brown had his Clarissa “no matter what everything continues to be horrible” sour, broken look because once again, someone decent is dead because no matter what, he’s still Charlie brown.
You guys are overthinking this. Was Hughie a friend? At the end, yes. Did Chuck feel like he owed Hughie a debt of some sort? Yes, after all, Hughie did come to bat time and time again, his final act being saving Snoop. But Chuck can’t bring him back to life. Any debts Chuck owed Hughie have no meaning in death. “Guess that squares us.”
Hughie only suffocated, didn’t he? He might’ve been okay after CPR, or by cartoon medicine’s old standby, the punch to the gut.
The license place is a reference to Scarth, I assume?
Captcha isn’t even trying today: Sssm sssssmi
If ever there was a perfect ad for Weight Watchers…
Don’t forget there is a big difference between being friends and being friendly. Don’t forget, X went out of his way to be antagonistic to Brown for 95% of their association. And shot his dog. So dying while saving Snoop might square the books for Brown. Maybe.
I wonder what the one wheeled Jesus freaks will think of the flavor of Shmoo?
Captcha is protesting the rule of those who don’t like to keep things in boxes:
Antikrates, rookssc
Please, rid us of this grotesque nipple first.
Gub! He’s still alive… so the nano tech marks means that CAL could be on the mend… if he can get control of his mind… Either way, time to blow this whole place to smithereens!
Capthcha ready and willing. Or at least soliciting for help…
imestou Volunteers
Lights out, Cal. Should’ve paid your dues.
Wonder if Chuck will keep his promise to Gramps and crush Cal’s nuts.
(for those who forgot: )
Not like Cal was going to ever going to use them, what with that attitude towards girls and all.
Okay, what fan at ComiCon inspired that image of Cal?
Obese, overstuffed white dudes sprawled on the floor, firearms, minorities lying dead in the streets; is this… Thanksgiving?
Ok, I was NOT expecting this particular image.
Didn’t Chuck have an explosive that he was going to use on Garf?
Wonder if that’s still around somewhere.
reCaptcha: was chasisa
I’m thinking that “Being Squared” simply refers to; Hughie coming VERY close to killing Snoop, then saving Snoop by booting his butt out of the Schmoo meatball.
I can’t believe nobody suspects the grim future in store for CAL-V1N.
No worries JL, I wont spoil it.
Capcha wants its Paropme (rights)
JY: Who the hell is “JL”? As for the grim future… well? Did you call it?
Now all this needs is the punchline, “This time we didn’t forget the gravy!”.
Wait…THIS is where his imagination took him?
What does CAL think guys and girls DO, anyway???
Noooooo, wait til Monday!? You’ve made me an addict!
‘come Monday’
It’ll be alright
Come Monday
I’ll be holding you tight
I’ll spend four lonely days
in the brown LI haze
and I just want you back by my side.
*sheds a single tear*
Gaaaa! That’s all I had to look forward to today! Well, back to Mr. Wiggles….
“Humanooneysi”, Captcha? Don’t believe I have any to spare.
“my pets” ????????
Now I’ve been called everything :~/
Scarth reference? or corinkydink??
Ohhh, that looks painful. Captcha agrees ” cryting function”
No, Potatamoto
CAL’s reaction to pops cream was because he just almost said his trigger word. All praise JY.
Well, CAL was always full of shit. Now it’s a bit more literal.
Wonderfully satisfying. I caught that Scarth AD 2195 reference.
It’s simply amazing how you manage to cram comic strip references in this thing, even as the hero stares at his rival’s bloated body.
How about a short Beepo and Roadkill comic to ease the pain… Better yet, how about one or else I will vote for M Romney!
JY: Were that I had the time to draw my beloved decadent freaks!
@mr greenman: agreed entirely! He is amazing.
What color is Shmoo?
White. Shmoo is white.
Ah ok, I wasn’t sure if it was brown like poo