“The Ghost Who Walks,” the classic name for The Phantom, who Cal beheaded way back when, and he continued to stay upright, which astonished Cal for two strips.
Here come walker. Such a badass strip. Taking the time to really give everyone characterization.. showing how Cal is starting to lose it.. etc. Go JY, GO SNOOP!! GO CHUCK!!
Nice, all our speculation about the steam being a weapon and it does turn out to be important, not as a weapon but as cover for whoever is about to surprise Cal.
The shadowy figure is too big to be Walker, Headless Ranger (didjagettheplayonwordsJYdidjadidjadidjahuhhuhuh??) So methinks there’s gonna be a Pops/Cal showdown for a bit.
Olellea and the Captcha both agree that it’s a viable option as well as a good pun.
My hand does that around the 15th coffee of the morning.
Captcha is telling me to move my money to an off shore account I think. Does anyone know of an off shore bank that takes pocket change and bubble gum wrappers?
I was so sure it was Walker… but now you guys have me doubting! Surely in his time of greatest need, who better to save Chuck than snoop. But hey, perhaps we’ll get both for the price of one!
I also wonder if Walker isn’t gonna just show up at the syndicate office when we least expect it and bust some heads that aren’t his.
Snoop seemed perfectly capable of stealthy movement when outfoxing Hobbs in the carpark for example; Walker may be iffy to some of you but I feel we can rule Snoop out with some certainty. Plus, ‘scuff’ perfectly suits a headless corpse.
I can’t believe I’m actually arguing over this, but the strip where the headless Phantom starts walking clearly shows him walking and no sound effect. OK, that may be meaningless since there was no reason to include the sound, but haven’t you heard of foreshadowing? He’s also the PHANTOM. I think he knows how to be stealthy too.
As for Snoop, well, I’ve got hard wood floors and a dog. They’re not stealthy on hard floors and “scuff, scuff” is pretty much the perfect description of the sound of dog claws on a hard floor.
The suspense is gonna kill me!
And Walker throws his two feet into the ring!
Come on Snoopy!
Oh. “Scuff Scuff.”
Divine Intervention from the Walker!
Did I miss something? Who or what is \Walker?\
Oh man, he is LOSING it!
This is so walker!!! I’m so glad we’re back on the regular schedule!!!
Walker is the headless corpse that was re-animated.
You shameless tease.
Mr. Yungbluth if you ever sell replicas of Cal’s shirt I will work out just to fit it.
Now’s not the time to… LOSE ONE’S HEAD.
This joke brought to you by Captcha Inc’s latest product, adanize Oil-Water.
“The Ghost Who Walks,” the classic name for The Phantom, who Cal beheaded way back when, and he continued to stay upright, which astonished Cal for two strips.
Here come walker. Such a badass strip. Taking the time to really give everyone characterization.. showing how Cal is starting to lose it.. etc. Go JY, GO SNOOP!! GO CHUCK!!
Looks like Annie should have just made him a sammich
I think CAL just came. EVILGASM!!11
God dammit, JY, the suspense is killing ME already!!! (lutscr seen, whatever a lutscr is)
Nice, all our speculation about the steam being a weapon and it does turn out to be important, not as a weapon but as cover for whoever is about to surprise Cal.
A one panel update? JY YOU ARE KILLING ME.
twice latistru
Had to go back and check, no sign of Walker making a scuff sound, so my money’s on Snoop here.
The shadowy figure is too big to be Walker, Headless Ranger (didjagettheplayonwordsJYdidjadidjadidjahuhhuhuh??) So methinks there’s gonna be a Pops/Cal showdown for a bit.
Olellea and the Captcha both agree that it’s a viable option as well as a good pun.
If that’s not Snoop biting his bloody hand off, I’ll never read this comic again!
So, there! You’ve been told!
(But secretly I will, because… well, it’s good. STILL!)
He’s a headless walking corpse! What the fuck kind of sound do YOU think he’s gonna make?
it’s ol’ Kit all right. Most of him, anyhow.
Surprised Hilda’s playing such a big role in this series (or is it technically The Phantom, which makes more sense)…
Not to be the voice of doom and gloom, but there’s also good chance she’s already dead.
Look at how fast Cal can vibrate his hand. You’d think Anne would be happier about this.
My hand does that around the 15th coffee of the morning.
Captcha is telling me to move my money to an off shore account I think. Does anyone know of an off shore bank that takes pocket change and bubble gum wrappers?
I doubt it’s going to be the Walker.
Guys, I’m pretty sure that says “Scliff Scliff”.
Also, Captcha says we are all going to veryland giga.
We are all gonna die !!
I was so sure it was Walker… but now you guys have me doubting! Surely in his time of greatest need, who better to save Chuck than snoop. But hey, perhaps we’ll get both for the price of one!
I also wonder if Walker isn’t gonna just show up at the syndicate office when we least expect it and bust some heads that aren’t his.
Snoop seemed perfectly capable of stealthy movement when outfoxing Hobbs in the carpark for example; Walker may be iffy to some of you but I feel we can rule Snoop out with some certainty. Plus, ‘scuff’ perfectly suits a headless corpse.
I can’t believe I’m actually arguing over this, but the strip where the headless Phantom starts walking clearly shows him walking and no sound effect. OK, that may be meaningless since there was no reason to include the sound, but haven’t you heard of foreshadowing? He’s also the PHANTOM. I think he knows how to be stealthy too.
As for Snoop, well, I’ve got hard wood floors and a dog. They’re not stealthy on hard floors and “scuff, scuff” is pretty much the perfect description of the sound of dog claws on a hard floor.
I’m for Pops having gotten a hold of his ‘Spinach’ having one last go at ’em, catching Cal by surprise and affecting some serious damage.
Also, It looks like a shadow to me in the background steam, just under Cal’s speech bubble…
Capthca say a new character may appear…Louis. thlmin
A man who can speak in Italics is dangerous, but only Cal can speak in Outline and Shadow, eh?
Two feet.
That’s all he needs, 2 feet.
That’s less than a second.
My money is on last vengeance by popeye.
Walker… I forgot about him…
but I’m laying my odds on the Kudzu coming up the pipe… it had all that fresh meat in the plaza area…
then again, what gas is that?