Okay this one , was a bit too close to Reality , maybe not the situation but the implied conversation Riley and Hughie are having. Man I love the way you kick in the back door on some subjects, no easing it in to it for you eh?
I love it. And I do think there has been a Merger of Ruckus and Riley.
Captcha is worried about the content of the coming admonishments : The Groaning
Oh, those Elbonians. Nice explanation for why each comic strip has maybe one token black guy, if that (excluding, of course, the mostly-black comic strips). Also, ‘Jap blood’ = shout-out to the anime-esque original style?
I read the dialogue in this strip and thought, “It’s gotta be April Fool Chapter 2,” but then I remembered that Huey was the family militant where race is concerned; I don’t know if it was ever really an issue for Riley, who seemed to care more about being a “gangsta” than anything else.
BTW, about your other post: It’s not hard to italicize in Wikipedia. Just put a pair of single quotes on each side of the word or phrase, ”like this”. For bold text use three quotes on each side, and for both use five. (I’m a regular there — can you tell?)
— Captcha is against absolute rule: allayed power.
Wikipedia spat in my eye over my very well-researched effort to change the information on Mitt Romney’s page to more accurately reflect his views on torture (which is that he is for it, which means that his fucking Church of Salt Lake Scientology is now in my crosshairs). So Wikipedia can eat an onion-smothered cock.
Well Eric, remember that episode of BOONDOCKS where Ruckus had a near-death experience and went to “white heaven”? I can imagine that happening to post-Apocalypt… wait, ELBONIANS? How the heck did they even learn to use a pen much less nuke the world??
I don’t see what’s wrong with likin’ white folks. Hell, the two most badass characters in this strip are white. Chuck and of course Snoop!
I’m amused by the fact that you have Hughie talking about racial pride right after using the oft-derogatory WW2 term “jap.” At least he didn’t say “nip” eh?
Have you ever looked at what Mormons believe? That is some batshit crazy stuff. I mean, other world religions have some crazy beliefs too, but you can at least give the people who started the whole thing the fact that they were…you know…fairly primitive people living in the middle of the desert thousands of years ago. The people who started the Mormon Church did so in the 19th century. The era of Darwin and Hegel, among others. These are people who should have known better. I mean, really…mysterious golden tablets that nobody else was allowed to look at? Magic glasses that allowed Joseph Smith to translate them? This is the stuff of either mental illness, or outright charlatanry…
One has to wonder if Riley’s attitude as a child and now as a grownup are not two sides of the same coin; i.e. an innate fascination with white folks for \better or worse\. Riley always ridiculed Huey for his pride and militancy, though for a different rationale than Ruckus. Perhaps at some point they realized their agendas were related.
Also, the gene bleacher reference reflects the NOI belief in the ancient scientist Yakub, though I bet that was unintentional… have at it, Mr. JY!
Re: \Also, the gene bleacher reference reflects the NOI belief in the ancient scientist Yakub, though I bet that was unintentional… have at it, Mr. JY!\
I looked that guy up. He considered Asians to be part of the \black race\ so maybe your idea isn’t so far off, after all.
I hail from the Great Salt Lake area….and it’s a sad deal. Most Mormons don’t quite have a clear understanding of what it is that their own church believes. That being said, there are a lot of pretty decent Mo’s out here, but some Uber-conservative dumbasses, too…Hey, just like every other religion! Except mine, which is better than yours.
I prefer to think of Riley being the victim of a willfully sacrificial Uncle Ruckus carrying the “Gene Bleacher” virus to cleanse all the “darkies” he could. That would explain why Riley sounds like Ruckus.
Hmm… Huey seems to have lost some of his eloquence after being weaponized. “You a race traitor to the bone, boy!” Besides Huey’s racial militancy in the comic, he was also characterized as being an intellectual.
Well, the note is kinda vague, my interpretation was that since he was in Chitown last weekend, this week we weren’t getting an update, and that we would get one Monday (assuming by next week, he meant by the normal Mon/Wed sked)…..except he’s in Pittsburgh this weekend, so the question now is, did he mean Wednesday since once he gets back from Pitt, he’s working on the next update then, or is he working on this Monday’s update now and he’ll post it Monday after he gets back, then work on Wednesday’s update while the already done Monday update keeps our mouths shut?
Sorry, all of the sudden I started thinking about it and trying not to tap that mental vein I always get ready before the new updates, and all that just spilled out LOL
Maybe JY can enlighten us? PLEASE!?!?!?!?!??!!?
Apt to this current storyline, Captcha gets the revitaligo (Y’know, the opposite of what Micheal Jackson had): melanin denied
“Here’s an idea: come to Chicago and give me a mouth kiss! Finally you have a reason to visit that stinkin’ town!” – JY
Oh, you hate to see a rookie mistake like that.
If you had only said, “Come to Chicago and give me a mouth hug!” you might have wrangled a bit of the ol’ oral love from a few confused female fans. (And if you had promised hints about future storylines, I bet more than a few male fans as well.)
Love Reilly’s KKK design on the back of his head
badass. so awesome.
Are we sure it’s Reily and not Uncle Ruckus 😛
Nice to see a shoutout to A Peanut Scorned.
Elbonians? That’s a reference to the country of cone-hatted guys that live in the mud in the Dilbert strips?
captcha vacation: have waikiki
I think Uncle Ruckus either indoctrinated or brainwashed poor Reilly or there’s been a…merger
The line about \seen maybe one of you dark skinned guys in my life\ cracked me up.
Okay this one , was a bit too close to Reality , maybe not the situation but the implied conversation Riley and Hughie are having. Man I love the way you kick in the back door on some subjects, no easing it in to it for you eh?
I love it. And I do think there has been a Merger of Ruckus and Riley.
Captcha is worried about the content of the coming admonishments : The Groaning
Oh, those Elbonians. Nice explanation for why each comic strip has maybe one token black guy, if that (excluding, of course, the mostly-black comic strips). Also, ‘Jap blood’ = shout-out to the anime-esque original style?
Captcha: which jessup
Well grokked, you blue-skinned cat creature.
Captcha drug lord instructions: Continue Shipment
I’d be interested to know what Aaron McGruder think about all this.
I read the dialogue in this strip and thought, “It’s gotta be April Fool Chapter 2,” but then I remembered that Huey was the family militant where race is concerned; I don’t know if it was ever really an issue for Riley, who seemed to care more about being a “gangsta” than anything else.
BTW, about your other post: It’s not hard to italicize in Wikipedia. Just put a pair of single quotes on each side of the word or phrase, ”like this”. For bold text use three quotes on each side, and for both use five. (I’m a regular there — can you tell?)
— Captcha is against absolute rule: allayed power.
Wikipedia spat in my eye over my very well-researched effort to change the information on Mitt Romney’s page to more accurately reflect his views on torture (which is that he is for it, which means that his fucking Church of Salt Lake Scientology is now in my crosshairs). So Wikipedia can eat an onion-smothered cock.
So what, the Gene bleachers killed all the black people, or just turned the black people white? It’s a little confusing…
Well Eric, remember that episode of BOONDOCKS where Ruckus had a near-death experience and went to “white heaven”? I can imagine that happening to post-Apocalypt… wait, ELBONIANS? How the heck did they even learn to use a pen much less nuke the world??
retreat Beame
What was 771 about two strips ago?
State disarmed
I don’t see what’s wrong with likin’ white folks. Hell, the two most badass characters in this strip are white. Chuck and of course Snoop!
I’m amused by the fact that you have Hughie talking about racial pride right after using the oft-derogatory WW2 term “jap.” At least he didn’t say “nip” eh?
When Gramps comes back with that “loaner”, somebody is getting pimp-slapped with it.
yeah, what was the 771 reference?
also, where is the shoutout to peanuts scorned? it’s been a while, over a year, since I read it
Chuck said he’d met a black man once before, that happened in peanut scorned. Franklin was the bouncer at Pettermint Patty’s brothel.
Riley has always been a little douchebag compared to Hughie.
JY, you have a hard-on for the Mormons also or do you just feel like singling them out because of one person?
Have you ever looked at what Mormons believe? That is some batshit crazy stuff. I mean, other world religions have some crazy beliefs too, but you can at least give the people who started the whole thing the fact that they were…you know…fairly primitive people living in the middle of the desert thousands of years ago. The people who started the Mormon Church did so in the 19th century. The era of Darwin and Hegel, among others. These are people who should have known better. I mean, really…mysterious golden tablets that nobody else was allowed to look at? Magic glasses that allowed Joseph Smith to translate them? This is the stuff of either mental illness, or outright charlatanry…
One has to wonder if Riley’s attitude as a child and now as a grownup are not two sides of the same coin; i.e. an innate fascination with white folks for \better or worse\. Riley always ridiculed Huey for his pride and militancy, though for a different rationale than Ruckus. Perhaps at some point they realized their agendas were related.
Also, the gene bleacher reference reflects the NOI belief in the ancient scientist Yakub, though I bet that was unintentional… have at it, Mr. JY!
New conform
Mormons are breakfast cereal weirdos compared to Scientologists or even Christian Scientists.
And it’s older than either of those.
“This is the stuff of either mental illness, or outright charlatanry…” – Alexander
Why does it have to be either / or?
Religion is full of people more than happy to have both in their hearts and minds.
Only one? What about Flapp in episode 3?
Re: \Also, the gene bleacher reference reflects the NOI belief in the ancient scientist Yakub, though I bet that was unintentional… have at it, Mr. JY!\
I looked that guy up. He considered Asians to be part of the \black race\ so maybe your idea isn’t so far off, after all.
Ok, I’m sold….where can I buy this damn book. This shit is EPIC for the WIN….
At first glance it looked like Chuck’s arm was giving the finger, but when I took a second look I saw that it wasn’t and was a little disappointed.
Captcha: rawson coolness
Is it wrong that I hear Regina King’s voice every time Hughie or Riley talk? LOL Plus of course I hear John Witherspoon when Gramps spoke….
Captcha trying to cop some illegal OT: alluded hours
Aren’t the Elbonians technically a ‘mud’ race?
Captcha is what happens when a cursed musician bites you
mozart were
I wonder if that loaner that Gramps mentioned will have a hand that resembles a pitcher’s mitt.
— Captcha is into birdwatching: marabous such.
I hail from the Great Salt Lake area….and it’s a sad deal. Most Mormons don’t quite have a clear understanding of what it is that their own church believes. That being said, there are a lot of pretty decent Mo’s out here, but some Uber-conservative dumbasses, too…Hey, just like every other religion! Except mine, which is better than yours.
What Would Cringer Do?
Well, today is April 20th, or “4-20”; I wonder what JY is doing right now… >)
— Captcha is into demolition derbies: maul compacts.
I prefer to think of Riley being the victim of a willfully sacrificial Uncle Ruckus carrying the “Gene Bleacher” virus to cleanse all the “darkies” he could. That would explain why Riley sounds like Ruckus.
@Destruya: You are officially scaring me in a good way, I could easily see Ruckus being a “Typhoid Negro” for the cause….
Captcha tries to do a Pygmalion/My Fair Lady: slang risk
And I wouldn’t be surprised to see Ruckus at the R&D facility where we left the Syndicate, either…..
Captcha messes up home improvement project: over grouts
Hmm… Huey seems to have lost some of his eloquence after being weaponized. “You a race traitor to the bone, boy!” Besides Huey’s racial militancy in the comic, he was also characterized as being an intellectual.
Please tell me I’m not the only one too fucktarded to remember there were no updates for this week?
Well, the note is kinda vague, my interpretation was that since he was in Chitown last weekend, this week we weren’t getting an update, and that we would get one Monday (assuming by next week, he meant by the normal Mon/Wed sked)…..except he’s in Pittsburgh this weekend, so the question now is, did he mean Wednesday since once he gets back from Pitt, he’s working on the next update then, or is he working on this Monday’s update now and he’ll post it Monday after he gets back, then work on Wednesday’s update while the already done Monday update keeps our mouths shut?
Sorry, all of the sudden I started thinking about it and trying not to tap that mental vein I always get ready before the new updates, and all that just spilled out LOL
Maybe JY can enlighten us? PLEASE!?!?!?!?!??!!?
Apt to this current storyline, Captcha gets the revitaligo (Y’know, the opposite of what Micheal Jackson had): melanin denied
only two more days until new brown. can hardly wait.
@ rupert yeats: excellent observation about Huey
“Here’s an idea: come to Chicago and give me a mouth kiss! Finally you have a reason to visit that stinkin’ town!” – JY
Oh, you hate to see a rookie mistake like that.
If you had only said, “Come to Chicago and give me a mouth hug!” you might have wrangled a bit of the ol’ oral love from a few confused female fans. (And if you had promised hints about future storylines, I bet more than a few male fans as well.)
Actually at this point (Monday afternoon already, geez!) a present storyline would be good. Just sayin’.
Haw haw! Got a copy of “a Right to be Hostile; the Boondocks treasury” for Christmas. Awesome! Now I’m back here…
JY: Did I give you permission to read other strips?
“An onion-smothered cock”. Are you quite sure you don’t have any Klingon in your family tree?
By the way, both Wikipedia and reCAPTCHA can uitme.