In celebration of my 53rd year of life, I have officially launched a Patreon page into Israel’s airspace!

If you should choose to subscribe as a birthday gift to me, well golly! How did you know that that is just what I wanted??

My Patreon has lots of goodies to offer, chief among them early releases of complete chapters of my ongoing series, beginning with Kobayashi Maru and Clarissa!

But my comics will still appear on this here website, yesiree! As proof, over the next week I will be rolling out the COMPLETED first portion of the next chapter of Kobayashi Maru, titled “Spudd’s Woman”. If the Patreon is a success and it seems clear that people want Kobayashi Maru to continue (even as I pitch it to comic publishers), then you can look forward to a lot more! As it stands now, the “Spudd’s Woman” story will encompass a whole second issue of Kobayashi Maru, and I am committed to seeing this chapter through to the end, so keep coming back and back… forever!!