Lisa is the name of an out-of-print Chick Tract that brought up child molestation but treated it as no worse than cheating on your taxes. Just pray, stop doing it and everything will be fine, even if your daughter now has an STD.
Love the storyline and impressed with the company it attracts ! Melissa brings vital info and Sodoff Baldrick ( heard in Rowan’s voice) brings…well… gross stuff !
Oh god! That’s worse than no valentines at all.
A Chick Tract? Oh boy. There’s a reason Lisa is out of print.
Oof. (…and the hits just keeeeeeeep on comin’!)
Hey Clarissa you wanna pet this dead puppy i’ve had in a box for a week? I know that will improve your day.
Ewwww! I’m getting a restraining order against you! Clarissa has enough trouble already.
Lisa? Who dat?
Lisa is the name of an out-of-print Chick Tract that brought up child molestation but treated it as no worse than cheating on your taxes. Just pray, stop doing it and everything will be fine, even if your daughter now has an STD.
Love the storyline and impressed with the company it attracts ! Melissa brings vital info and Sodoff Baldrick ( heard in Rowan’s voice) brings…well… gross stuff !
Well in my defense i didn’t ask her if she wanted to see the turnip i found that looks just like an enormous thingy
Good man ! Knows where to draw the line . Ya have photos ?
As an ex-Christian dirt-worshipping Pagan, I find this hilarious.
JY: It’s all for you, Damien! Er… Siiri!