Well Played there JY. Charles Schulz loved hockey and to have Snoop dispactch HOBS in this way is a well tuned tribute to the man himself.
I heard you helped the Captcha with it’s drunken father-in-law recently. It told me that you carried Askeen from the bar on your back 20 miles in the driving rain uphill.
HOBS, do you realize how well and truly fucked you are?
YOUR life flashed in front of MY eyes.
I can just see it now: Snoop crushes HOBS, then walks over to see that HOBS has reverted back to a stuffed toy. Then he goes over, grabs the head in his jaws, then rips HOBS’ head off and carries it off with him as a chew toy.
I immediately was reminded of those cards and stickers of my ill-spent youth. Took a few minutes to find, but here they are. Who else remembers these? http://oddrods.com/
@ C. Mage – Oh, I like that image a lot. JY, since nothing we ever guess or suggest is quite the way it really works out, when this is all over you should draw a print of Snoop carrying a raggedy stuffed HOBS in his teeth just to sell.
I think Snoops is coming up on top on this one… wasn’t there a calvin and hobbes story where a DOG knocked down Calvin and stole hobbes? considering Hobbes is a ‘stuffed’ tiger… I can see some kind person repairing him.
*jaw drops*
well…. I… uh… but…
“My dog. Not for sale.”
I’ve heard of cats being caught in a fan belt, but ….
… damn.
captcha tries to excuse shitting itself over the awesome in today’s strip, claiming it was the “Curry plopolo”
Fuck yeah. That’s my dog! Go Snoop. Not for sale.
a comic like this needs some awesome music. Here is the soundtrack for this particular strip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWlmhMSnVdM
whose zamboni with golf clubs machine is this anyway? Love the spikes. Love the general badassness. WB.. the best strip in the world.
You know the hockey game’s over when they chase you home on the zamboni…
@llkjsdflkj: I don’t think it’s any particular character’s; zambonis were a popular running gag in Peanuts.
So Snoop is now Ratfink? That is seven shades of awesome.
I don’t think that dog is licensed, he doesn’t have any tags on his collar.
\Here kitty kitty kitty!\
Cacha’s offering the services of Rev. Juximan for HOBS funeral…
Well Played there JY. Charles Schulz loved hockey and to have Snoop dispactch HOBS in this way is a well tuned tribute to the man himself.
I heard you helped the Captcha with it’s drunken father-in-law recently. It told me that you carried Askeen from the bar on your back 20 miles in the driving rain uphill.
Are those.. golf clubs for headers?
I know it’s never this easy, but I really want to see HOBS in pieces or impaled on those spikes in the next comic.
I almost spit out my coffee due to panel two.
I forgot about the zamboni’s in peanuts.. I haven’t read peanuts in 13-15 years.
So frickin’ awesome. I love how JY does not hit us over the head with his references, rather lets the astute notice them.
Isn’t hobbs super fast? He beat the snipers in the rafters earlier on. he should easily be able to jump out of the way.
Dammit, Justin! what is it gonna take to make you actually spit coffee??
Ancient spirits of Captcha, transform this decaying form into… MAMRA the UPPINGLA!
HOBS, do you realize how well and truly fucked you are?
YOUR life flashed in front of MY eyes.
I can just see it now: Snoop crushes HOBS, then walks over to see that HOBS has reverted back to a stuffed toy. Then he goes over, grabs the head in his jaws, then rips HOBS’ head off and carries it off with him as a chew toy.
Very nice.
cf the original:
[captcha is a birther: it claims that ‘father omatele’]
Quite the rebellion that keeps a tricked-out zamboni in reserve.
Hey JY – if you ever mint that panel five shot of Snoop onto a commemorative coin, put me down for fifty.
@ SullySadface:
sure, you can be the one to bring him in on that infraction… Good luck and I’ll notify your next of kin. :p
By the way, i do appreciate the kind of attention to detail that gets the carnassials right.
I immediately was reminded of those cards and stickers of my ill-spent youth. Took a few minutes to find, but here they are. Who else remembers these? http://oddrods.com/
This strip should be named ‘T’, with the prior three being named ‘F’, ‘U’, and ‘C’, respectively.
Snoop deserves some Waggin’ Train treats for this one!
Not quite applicable for this page (Snoop isn’t wearing his flight goggles), but I couldn’t resist:
“The Red Baron brings the Tiger Moth round in his sights. This game of cat and mouse has become cat and dog with a giant icelaying machine of death.”
@ C. Mage – Oh, I like that image a lot. JY, since nothing we ever guess or suggest is quite the way it really works out, when this is all over you should draw a print of Snoop carrying a raggedy stuffed HOBS in his teeth just to sell.
I personally like Matt’s idea–a little round of “Here’s the World War I flying ace in his Sopwith Camel”.
I think Snoops is coming up on top on this one… wasn’t there a calvin and hobbes story where a DOG knocked down Calvin and stole hobbes? considering Hobbes is a ‘stuffed’ tiger… I can see some kind person repairing him.
A little late in seeing this. But I must comment. FOR THE WIN
Snoopy just ran over Hobbes with a flamejob Zamboni. Your argument is irrelevant.
I did kinda wish it was in the shape of a red doghouse with Snoop having an aviator cap with goggles on, but this works too.
JY: T’would have been cool! I used that gag elsewhere, however.